A few days ago, movie streaming giant Netflix revealed their presence in Nigeria, and they are starting with the first Nigerian original, an untitled six-part drama series...
Many Nigerian content have been on Netflix for a while now, however Netflix is officially introducing itself to Nigerians, and it is doing so with so...
A Brazilian judge has ordered Netflix to stop showing the film titled “The First Temptation Of Christ“, a 46-minute comedy which was released on December 3...
Bobby Obodo, a Nollywood actor, has crticised Nollywood movies on Netflix stating that most them on them are becoming ”painful” to watch. Bobby shared his opinion on...
Gone are those days when you had to go to the cinema to rent or see a movie. These days you can go to any movie...
Homecoming, Beyoncé‘s behind-the-scenes documentary chronicling her 2018 Coachella performance is not the only deal the pop star has with Netflix, Variety is reporting. She’s working on two more projects...
‘Chief Daddy’ has become the third movie from the EbonyLife Film’s studio to get on Netflix. According to a statement by EbonyLife film, viewers around the...
Movie star, Idris Elba has landed his very own Netflix series titled “Turn Up Charlie“. The trailer for the series has been released and all eight episodes of...
The show will star Pearl Thusi as a South African spy who takes on dangerous missions while tackling issues in her personal life. Thusi, obviously, is excited about...
Streaming company Netflix has announced it will be adapting Roald Dahl classics such as Matilda, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and more stories from the late acclaimed author into an animated event series....
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