Following the release of her debut album, “Born In The Wild,” Tems has embarked on a world tour, where she thrilled audiences with her chart-topping songs;...
Fireboy‘s “Peru,” released in 2021, quickly became a global sensation, securing a diamond certification in France. The song charted in several countries, including the US, UK,...
Grammy-winning artist Ayodeji Balogun, widely known as Wizkid, proudly emphasized his natural ability to create hit songs with minimal effort. In a candid studio interview, Wizkid...
On his fourth studio album, “Fireboy,” the talented Nigerian singer features a lineup of musical legends. Joining him are Lagbaja, the renowned Nigerian music icon known...
Fireboy DML has unveiled his fourth studio album, “Adedamola.” He named the album after his first name. The new release contains 14 tracks. It follows his...
Boyfriend Music Ltd. has burst onto the scene, officially launching its dynamic music management and publishing company in Lagos, Nigeria. The company aims to revolutionize the...
Flavour, a prominent Nigerian musician, continues to captivate audiences across Africa with his distinctive sound after nearly two decades in the industry. On August 24, 2024,...
Kizz Daniel, the Nigerian international sensation, has established himself as one of Afrobeats’ most prolific hitmakers. He consistently produces chart-topping singles that resonate with audiences worldwide....
Nigeria is a country with a rich and diverse musical heritage. The many different music genres that have emerged from the country reflect this diversity. Some...
On August 9, 2024, Asake released his third album, “Lungu Boy“, featuring several superstars including Grammy-winning Nigerian artist Wizkid, British rappers Central Cee and Stormzy, American...
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