This is a thrilling story of a bank manager who is about to get married to the love of his life, but his bank was held...
Disney has released a trailer for “Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire,” the sci-fi fantasy anthology series that includes 10 animated shorts from creators from Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria,...
The lone child of the Chinese emperor, Han Xuandi manages to elude a harsh prince and asks for assistance from the Gauls and two gallant warriors...
The Real Housewives of Abuja, a popular reality show, is set to reunite for a highly anticipated reunion program following an eventful season. The reunion will...
Nollywood actress, television personality and producer Chike Ike graced the 76th annual Cannes Film Festival in style. She looked elegant in the emerald green gown designed by Kud...
Here are the top 3 Nollywood movies you should see. If you have not seen any of them, you could use help with this information and...
Its a new week and we have selected top 5 international movies to keep you entertained all through this new week. You are welcome! Luther: The...
Saturdays are mostly for leisure, and one of the ways you would spend your leisure time well is by seeing a movie with family or even...
Netflix has a collection of Nollywood movies you can watch during the present COVID-19 lockdown. With that in mind, check out our list of movies currently...
It’s the start of another weekend and its a great time to be with friends and family. What better way to ease off the stress of...
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