Hollywood legend Denzel Washington has announced his intention to star in the highly anticipated third instalment of Marvel’s “Black Panther” franchise before retiring from acting. The...
First and foremost, Wumi Toriola’s film ‘Queen Lateefah‘ has achieved remarkable success, surpassing ₦300 million at the box office and securing its position among Nollywood’s top-performing...
Nollywood actor and social media personality Enioluwa explained why the Nigerian film industry uses the ‘same faces’ in movies. It all began on November 11, 2024,...
Nollywood filmmaker John Njamah recently voiced his concern about the prevailing casting practices in the industry. He argued that casting decisions should prioritize an actor’s talent...
Hijack ‘93 is produced by Play Network Studios in collaboration with Native Media TV. The film currently holds the third spot on the Netflix Global Chart....
Nollywood actress Genoveva Umeh won the TFAA Prize for Acting at the 18th edition of The Future Awards Africa (TFAA), held on November 10, 2024. This...
Nollywood actress Uzoamaka Onuoha won the Best Female Performance in a Feature award at the recently concluded African Film Festival on November 9, 2024. This victory...
Abimbola Craig, the talented Nollywood filmmaker, recently announced the release of her new web series, “A Heart On The Line”. It will be released on Bluu...
Nollywood director Jade Osiberu announces her latest film project, “Half Of Me.” The talented filmmaker shares exciting details about the upcoming production in an official statement...
In celebration of African storytelling, Showmax announces that its upcoming Nigerian Original drama, Princess on a Hill, will screen at the 13th edition of the Africa...
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