“Blood Vessel” has secured its position on Netflix’s weekly global ranking list. In the data released for December 11-17, 2023, the Play Network’s production claimed the...
From the very outset of the two-hour cinematic experience, “Breath of Life” distinguishes itself from typical Nollywood productions. Set in 2060s South-South Nigeria, the film puts...
Funke Akindele‘s latest film, “A Tribe Called Judah“, has achieved a historic milestone as the first Nollywood film to gross ₦113 million in its opening weekend,...
Last night, on December 12, 2023, a stellar ensemble graced the premiere of “Ada Omo Daddy“, a film by Mercy Aigbe Adeoti, marking her return to...
With the official announcement of the release date for the highly anticipated series “WAR: Wrath and Revenge”, Netflix has created the perfect environment for an exciting Christmas...
Christmas is a great time to cosy up with family and friends and watch some nostalgic films. The following is a list of top Christmas films...
As anticipation builds for the release of the original Showmax series titled “Agu“, let’s take a closer look at some of the cast members and get...
“The Origin: Madam Koi Koi” continues to secure its position as Nigeria’s most-watched show on Netflix, an achievement that has been maintained for an impressive three...
Despite a change in its release date, the horror office drama feature, “Egun“, has surged to the top three on the charts. The Cinema Exhibitors Association...
Disney CEO, Bob Iger has officially confirmed the development of “Frozen 3” and hinted at the possibility of a “Frozen 4“. During an interview on “Good...
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