A new documentary about Nelson Mandela is in the works, helmed by award-winning director Antoine Fuqua. Titled “Troublemaker: The Story Behind the Mandela Tapes,” the film...
Funke Akindele’s comedic masterpiece “A Tribe Called Judah” continues to dominate the Nigerian box office, shattering records and earning accolades. Despite surpassing the coveted ₦1 billion...
Omowunmi Dada, a Nigerian actress, revealed in a recent interview with Shock Ng during the watch party of her latest movie “L.I.F.E.” that if she weren’t...
Calling all movie fans, especially those who love Yoruba epics! Get ready this Easter to be swayed by “Beast of Two Worlds (Ajakaju),” a captivating film...
Disney Animation and Kugali Media are launching “Iwaju,” a brand new sci-fi animated series set in Lagos, Nigeria. Get ready for a thrilling journey full of...
Nigerian actress Blessing Jessica Obasi, known for her roles in Prophetess, Elevator Baby, and A Simple Lie, is using her platform to challenge societal expectations around...
Great news for Nigerian movie lovers! Late Monday night, the Ministry of Art, Culture, and the Creative Economy celebrated animator Shofela Coker’s impressive achievement at the...
Three exciting Nigerian movies are heading to your screens in the US! Get ready to stream “Mami Wata,” “The Lost Okoroshi,” and “Green White Green” starting...
Exciting news for Nigerian movie lovers! Three films—Mami Wata, Orah, and All The Colours Of The World Are Between Black and White—have been chosen to join...
Starting this Thursday, February 15th, 2024, three Nigerian movies will be available to watch on Prime Video! Get ready to enjoy “L.I.F.E.,” “Hotel Lambama,” and “On...
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