The idea of investing your money is awesome. Having your money make more money for you is appealing, isn’t it? We’ll be the first to agree,...
Whether it’s your first job, or not, many people tend to make the same mistakes when they start earning an income with the mental promise that...
There are some basic things you should know about money. Every day, every other minute, we’re all thinking about money. (How make money, how to invest...
Becoming broke is like a disease. Many people are usually under unnecessary pressure whereby they can’t say no to spending too much money. It starts with...
Good things comes to people with the right information, forget about LOOM, These are 5 proven ways to make fast money. Car Services One of the...
In as much as money can’t buy you true love, money is very important in sustaining a relationship. Money can build and destroy a relationship because...
Imagine a walking, talking ATM. No it is not a machine, Firstmonie agents are humans like you, except you can now perform a majority of your...
What do women really want? So this particular topic has been trending on twitter for some days now and a lot of Nigerian Twitter users have...
Adekunle Gold releases his latest single ‘Money’; off his highly anticipated sophomore album ‘About 30’ recorded live with the 79th Element. Produced by Pheelz. Money’ was...
Saving money may not be as hard as you think. Try the following 12 tips to improve your budget and save more money: 1. Write down...
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