The intriguing story of “Slum King” a crime thriller, centres on Edafe “Majemijesu” Umukoro, a young child who, at the age of eleven, witnesses the horrific...
The upcoming movie “Hijack 93: The Mad Men & The Aircraft” have commenced its principal photography. The amazing news was shared by Charles Okpaleke the co-founder...
Idia Aisien, a model, Tv presenter, and actress has recently partnered with the ready-to-wear brand, 4ey by Uju Estelo, to launch a new dressy capsule collection....
We already know how stressful dressing up can be especially when it comes to picking stylish work outfits. Yes! i said stressful, it is really stressful...
Media personality Idia Aisien is the cover star for the latest issue of Taylor Live magazine, focusing on Girl Power! In a quick chat with the magazine, Idia Aisien...
The general assumption when you’re a rich kid is that your achievements are as a result of your famous surname, but as Idia Aisien tells us in this...
Money is a main issue in many relationships. While some couples have figured out ways to remain accountable to each other, others have fallen short and...
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