Under 40 CEOs is a 30-minute television series that tells the stories of these CEOs, in a bid to showcase the sheer amount of resourcefulness of the...
“The West is recognizing that there is a new breed of Africans presenting a different perspective as to how we are viewed.” Derrydean Dadzie speaks with...
This episode features Dr. Tayo Oyedeji who was recently appointed Managing Director for Starcom MediaVest South Africa whilst also Heading Publicis Media Africa. He holds a...
Adebola Williams is a Nigerian Entrepreneur, journalist, TV Producer and a Youth Development expert. He is best known as the man with the golden touch who helped...
Under 40 CEOs takes us back to Ghana this week with a young business leader in the financial services industry, as this episode features Ayesha Bedwei,...
Bata Media Limited tells yet another story that is bound to speak to young, aspiring business leaders. This episode features Niyi Oyelade, the CEO of United...
Bata Media Limited, is back with an episode of Under 40 CEOs that is both inspirational, motivational and emotional. This episode challenges disabled and able-bodied young...
Bata Media Limited, is back with an episode of Under 40 CEOs that is bound to challenge young women and indeed men to aspire to more....
Bata Media Limited, presents yet another inspiring episode of Under 40 CEOs featuring Ghanaian Radio Presenter and Entrepeneur – Bola Ray. Nathan Kwabena Adisi aka Bola...
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