The sequel to the star-studded movie “Merry Men” is set to hit cinemas this December. After a series of teasers, AY has released the official trailer for the highly anticipated...
Ayo Makun and his wife, Mabel, are celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary today November 29th. The couple got married in 2008 and they have a beautiful...
Reacting To Odion Ighalo, comment on how fans treated him after the World Cup, Comedian and filmaker, AY Makun wrote an open letter stating that criticism...
The official trailer for Nollywood film Merry Men: The Real Yoruba Demons has been released. The movie which has a star-studded cast with the likes of Ramsey Nouah, RMD,...
The ELFIKE Film Collective, a partnership between EbonyLife Films, FilmOne Distribution, Inkblot Productions and Koga Studios, organised a viewing of “The Wedding Party 2: Destination Dubai“, for members of the press on...
Popular comedian, AY Makun is sure having the time of his life this year. The comedian recently had a street named after him courtesy of Haven...
Comedian AY’s movie “A Trip To Jamaica” was premiered yesterday, September 25th, at the Filmhouse IMAX cinema in Lekki, Lagos. Richard Mofe-Damijo, 2Baba and his wife,...
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