Asake, the Nigerian music sensation, is set to unwrap a thrilling documentary. This documentary promises to captivate his audience. The project takes an exciting turn as...
After releasing his third album “Lungu Boy“, Asake launched a highly anticipated world tour. This tour captivated audiences across the globe. One of the most notable...
In 2024, Nigerian superstars Rema, Asake, and Omah Lay are set to headline the Promise Land Festival 2024. Further, this amplifies the sound of Afrobeats to...
On August 9, 2024, Asake released his third album, “Lungu Boy“, featuring several superstars including Grammy-winning Nigerian artist Wizkid, British rappers Central Cee and Stormzy, American...
Asake electrified Atlanta on August 21, 2024, headlining the second night of his ‘Lungu Boy‘ tour at a packed State Farm Arena. He thrilled the crowd...
On August 16, 2024, Asake started his ‘Lungu Boy‘ tour. The first show was in Washington DC at the Capital One Arena. All tickets for this...
On August 9, 2024, Asake released his third album ‘Lungu Boy‘. The album features collaborations with Grammy-winning Nigerian superstar Wizkid, British rappers Central Cee and Stormzy,...
Nigerian music star Asake recently unveiled his third album, “Lungu Boy.” This album features collaborations with some international artists, including Wizkid, Central Cee, Travis Scott, Stormzy,...
Asake, a Nigerian music artist, released his third album titled ‘Lungu Boy‘ on August 9, 2024. This new album features collaborations with several famous artists from...
Asake is a famous Nigerian singer whose music has won him many awards. He is getting ready to release his third album. The album is called “Lungu...
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