Disney has finally shared the teaser trailer of its new Africa animated series Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire. The series is a ten-part collection of animated short...
The American show host believes that the American state stole from Africans like Burna Boy.American television host, producer, actor, and comedian, Steve Harvey, has aired his...
Most people would love to go on destination weddings but because of certain factors like money and travel logistics, they are unable to. Destination weddings are...
LAGOS (Reuters) – Commuters making their way through Nigeria can now hear travel advice in a local voice on Google Maps under new features aimed at...
Seventy-eight former United States Ambassadors to 48 African countries have expressed a deep concern over reports of President Donald Trump’s recent remarks about the continent.The U.S....
Africa should move beyond aid handouts that have failed to bring growth and prosperity and move to an era of mutual respect with Western countries, President...
Air traffic in Nigeria and other Africa countries has been estimated to increase by 274 million, bringing the total traffic per year to 400 million by...
The United States is considering a stepped-up military presence in Africa to pursue Islamic State group jihadists looking for new havens after the fall of their...
At least 12 people died and 92 were missing after heavy rains caused flooding in two villages in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, an official said...
The Kakum National Park was established in 1932 and used for the last fifty years for the extraction of timber. It was officially opened in 1994....
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