Ice Spice, an American rapper, has excitedly shared news of her upcoming collaboration with the renowned Rema titled “Pretty Girl“. This was announced via Ice Spice’s...
Even in his absence, Mohbad’s music continues to thrive commercially as several artists have released songs as a tribute to the late musician. These songs can...
Dumomi The Jig, a promising new signee of the Adult Nation Entertainment roster, has finally debuted his highly anticipated single of the year titled “Anticipating”. Born...
Nigerian singer and songwriter, Rema performed his hit songs “Calm Down” and “Holiday” on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. He began with a smooth rendition...
Aniah Bernard Unimniah Benpinoz is a performing artist, Songwriter and actor who was born in Nasarawa state but hails from Obinliku LGA in Cross River State Nigeria....
Young Lete is a young talented artiste and one of the Dopest Rappers in Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE) that is fast rising and about to take...
DECKEY is an Abuja based upcoming artist who hails from Ogbadigbo local governmentt area of Benue state, Nigeria. A talented artist working under a record label...