After a successful first instalment, ‘The Wedding Party’, a 2016 romantic comedy, will have a sequel. Most of the familiar faces who made the first flick...
Hollywood stars, Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey star in the movie adaption of Stephen King‘s best-selling novel, The Dark Tower. It follows a boy who has...
Orlando Bloom chats about Tom Hardy’s recent moped chase while promoting his newfilm ‘Unlocked‘ Actor Orlando Bloom says his latest film Unlocked about a fictional biological...
Veteran Bollywood actor Vinod Khanna, known as the heartthrob of Hindi films in the 1970s and 1980s, died on Thursday at a Mumbai hospital. He was...
The much-awaited movie, “Mr and Mrs, Chapter 2”, is finally set to hit the cinemas this weekend. The movie, which is a romantic drama produced by...
The stars of “Guardians of the Galaxy,” the Marvel movie about a rag-tag group of integalactic heroes, landed in Hollywood to debut their return in a...
‘Nigerian Prince’, a proposed film project by Faraday Okoro has won a $1 million grant from AT&T. Apart from the production funding, the proposed flick is...
‘The Fate of the Furious’ has broken an international record by racing to the top of the box office charts. Over the Easter holiday, the 18th...
A week after it released its poster, Cannes Film Festival releases its 2017 movies line-up. The movies apparently are precisely selected to reflect diversity. From politics...
Fresh from the success of the feature film “Gidi Blues”, rumour has it that former advertising czar, writer, renowned documentary, TV and Film producer/Director Mr. Femi...