Joseph Okechukwu, a Nigerian actor and filmmaker, has announced the upcoming premiere of his new film “Osu.” The movie features acclaimed actors. These include Onyeka Onwenu...
Inkblot Productions has officially announced the release of their new film, “When Love Strikes,” scheduled to premiere in cinemas on September 13, 2024. The production company,...
“The Interrogation of Lotanna,” a compelling Nigerian short film, has achieved international recognition. The movie won the Best Nollywood Short Film award at the prestigious Realtime...
On August 22, 2024, Omoni Oboli officially announced that her highly anticipated movie, “The Uprising: Wives on Strike 3“, will premiere in cinemas on October 18,...
Bolanle Austen-Peters, affectionately known as BAP in the industry, has established herself as a creative powerhouse behind some acclaimed cinematic productions. Her impressive portfolio includes notable...
Netflix officially announces the premiere dates for two epic films about the legendary Yoruba hero Lisabi. ‘Lisabi: The Uprising‘ will debut on September 27, 2024. Its...
Kunle Remi is well-known for his role in the Netflix series “Anikulapo”. He recently expressed his views on what defines a movie as truly cinema-worthy. In...
The production team of “One Night Guests” has announced that principal photography is set to begin soon. The film is a collaboration between Nigerian and Ghanaian...
Netflix has revealed the premiere date for its latest feature film, “Tòkunbọ̀” which Ramsey Nouah directed. Chris Odeh produced the film. Scheduled to debut on Friday,...
Wale Ojo is a well-known actor in Nollywood. On August 17, 2024, he shared some exciting news on his Instagram account. Wale Ojo is going to...