The trailer for the third installment of Marvel‘s Thor, Thor: Ragnarok was released in Comic Con on Saturday. Thor, held captive without his hammer, must win a duel against the Hulk in order to...
The Justice League fights an unknown evil threatening to end the world in the absence of Superman in this sneak peek of the movie set to be released in November....
Martin Landau, 89, a character actor who starred in the 1960s television show “Mission: Impossible” and won an Oscar for playing Bela Lugosi in the movie...
Directed and co-produced by Vanessa Nzediegwu, What Lies Within is set in Lagos and “chronicles 24 hours in the lives of two women as they are thrust into the...
Netflix is on fire right now and it doesn’t look like the firefighters would be arriving anytime soon. Premiering on its summer line-up is the crime series OZARK; starring,...
While Hollywood and Bollywood have been reaping the benefits of book-to-film adaptations for decades, Nollywood – the world’s second largest film industry – strangely still hasn’t caught...
The Nollywood movie industry has evolved over the years to be an industry that can now boldly says it is competing with its American counterpart ‘Hollywood’....
Kunle Afolayan is easily one of the best Nigerian filmmakers working today, so it should come as no surprise that he is also one of the most...
The Federal Government of Nigeria has given a sum of N420.2m to Nollywood to support the film industry. Deputy Director of Information, Federal Ministry of Finance,...
HBO is developing a biopic of pioneering African-American filmmaker Oscar Micheaux that has Tyler Perry on board to star. Craig Zadan and Neil Meron are shepherding the project for Sony Pictures...