Follows six teens doing forced community service in a remote forest where a fracking crew has unwittingly unleashed a demon. A fracking crew drills on sacred...
TV Personality, Tyra Banks and her partner Erik Asla have reportedly split after five years of being together. A source tells Page Six, they agreed to...
With Thor: Ragnorak nearly a month away, Marvel Studios offers a behind the scenes look at the upcoming film, with this video featurette. The minute-and-a-half clip spotlights actors...
Award-winning “Veep” star Julia Louis-Dreyfus revealed Thursday that she has breast cancer. The 56-year-old American actress disclosed the diagnosis to her 750,000 Twitter followers, posting a...
John Travolta is slated to portray infamous notorious Gambino family boss, John Gotti, in the upcoming big screen movie, simply titled Gotti. The film follows the...
What truly happens after you’ve died? That’s what a group of kids try to find out in the upcoming Sony Pictures sci-fi, Flatliners. Check out the...
Enjoying college life as a popular student, Laura shares everything with her more than 800 friends on Facebook. But one day, after accepting a friend request...
20th Century Fox returns with the third installment of the Maze Runner saga, titled Maze Runner: The Death Cure, which we get a first look at...
Following a massive opening weekend, the blockbuster adaptation of Stephen King’s novel IT continues to draw in people to the box office… and breaking a record in the process....
Writer Stephen King has released countless iconic stories throughout his career. Now, following the success of IT, we’re seeing more of them translated to film. The...