Legendary Pictures has released the first full trailer for Pacific Rim Uprising. In the sequel to the original from 2013, the globe-spanning conflict between monsters of mass...
Following an intial trailer in April, Lucasfilm returned this week with an all-new trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. And, it’s packed with stuff we’ve...
Kenya’s government on Thursday banned protests in the centres of three major cities, including the capital Nairobi, citing lawlessness following opposition demonstrations against the country’s electoral...
More than a dozen fast-moving wildfires tearing through through California’s wine country have killed at least 10 people, destroying hundreds of homes, authorities said Monday. Fanned...
The latest trailer revolves around living in a world without Superman, and the reason Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg have to join forces: they’re...
Nollywood filmmaker Chinney Love Eze, who produced hit film Hire a Man is set to release another film titled “June“. The film which was directed by Desmond Elliot will star Michelle Dede, Empress Njamah,...
On Thursday, October 5th, stakeholders and members of the press showed up for a screening of the charming new romantic comedy, The Royal Hibiscus Hotel. The...
Teenage outsider Adam sets out to uncover the mystery behind his long-lost dad, only to find out that he is none other than the legendary Bigfoot....
United States geneticists, Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash, and Michael W. Young were awarded the Nobel Medicine Prize on Monday for shedding light on the internal...
Double celebration for eager fans with the release of a poster and video teaser for the blockbuster sequel. The ELFIKE Film Collective, a partnership between EbonyLife...