The trailer for RedTV’s anticipated new Series The Men’s Club is out ahead of its October 8th premiere. The series, directed by Tola Odunsi and written by Dami Elebe, promises to be...
A controversial White House policy turns family members against each other in The Oath – a savagely funny dark comedy about surviving life and Thanksgiving in the age of...
A whole new cinematic wonder is upon us! Marvel threw movie lovers into a major frenzy with Tuesday’s release of the first trailer for Captain Marvel. The new movie...
Nollywood Actress and Producer Dayo Amusa is set to release her new movie titled “That Which Binds Us” The thrilling movie produced by Dayo Amusa was directed by...
The latest production from EbonyLife Films is set for release. The movie company has released a teaser trailer and the official poster for the star-studded film Chief Daddy. The Niyi...
Genevieve Nnaji is currently Nollywood’s woman of the moment and this has a lot to with the huge success of her directorial debut Lionheart. Lionheart premiered over the weekend...
Actress and filmmaker Omoni Oboli has released the official trailer for her new film titled ‘Wings of a Dove‘. The movie is an emotionally charged story of two...
Genevieve Nnaji sat down with Women and Nollywood prior to the premiere of her directorial debut “Lionheart” at the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) to discuss the inspiration behind the movie, challenges she...
The official trailer for Nollywood film Merry Men: The Real Yoruba Demons has been released. The movie which has a star-studded cast with the likes of Ramsey Nouah, RMD,...
Former Big Brother Naija housemate Ifu Ennada recently released a short film titled SOS which features fellow housemate, Alex. In the film, Ifu plays a mother who is in dire need of help...