Last night, on December 12, 2023, a stellar ensemble graced the premiere of “Ada Omo Daddy“, a film by Mercy Aigbe Adeoti, marking her return to...
“Mami Wata” the critically praised black and white film by CJ Obasi, will have a special screening on Saturday, December 9, 2023, as part of the...
With the official announcement of the release date for the highly anticipated series “WAR: Wrath and Revenge”, Netflix has created the perfect environment for an exciting Christmas...
Inkblot Productions has officially confirmed the release date of their upcoming Nigerian crime thriller, “No Way Through” in a much-awaited announcement. The film promises a dramatic and compelling story...
The intriguing original movie “Breath of Life” will be available on Prime Video on December 15, 2023. This touching film, which was produced and directed by...
Celebrities and dignitaries have been drawn to Benin over the past four days as the Edo International Film Festival (ESIFF) has taken the front stage. As...
Christmas is a great time to cosy up with family and friends and watch some nostalgic films. The following is a list of top Christmas films...
With Adenike Odubawo and Femi Jacobs playing co-lead roles, principal photography for the upcoming film “Ajaga” is scheduled to begin. Produced by Odubawo, the drama explores...
Uche Jombo Studios is about to start working on its upcoming romantic drama, “A Better Man”. With Taiwo Adebayo in production and Joy Isi Bewaji writing the...
The much-anticipated Mariam vs. Chioma dispute erupts in the eighth episode of The Real Housewives of Lagos (RHOLagos) as tensions between Mariam Timmer and Chioma Ikokwu...