Prime video is scheduled to release its first African Original movie, which highlights the rough side of Lagos state’s Isale Eko. The action crime-thriller, directed and...
The movie is a captivating love story gone wrong, quite fascinating. It centers around a Preacher’s Daughter turned single mom and travel blogger Amanda who takes...
Saturdays are mostly for leisure, and one of the ways you would spend your leisure time well is by seeing a movie with family or even...
Nollywood fans, get ready for a thrilling experience as “Domitilla: The Reboot” is set to hit the big screen in April 2023. The official trailer for...
Acclaimed Nigerian singer and songwriter, Tiwa Savage, is set to make her feature film debut in “Water and Garri.” The film tells the story of Aisha, a...
Inkblot Productions in collaboration with FilmOne Entertainment officially premiered its 20th film titled “Palava” on Sunday, 27th of November in Lagos. With a style theme of...
It’s the holiday season, this means there are a number of Nollywood movies lined up for this festive season. As we approach the end of the...
Nollywood actress, Jennifer Omole has passed on. The actress died on January 3, 2020 as confirmed by her colleague Uche Ogbodo. Uche Ogbodo who penned down...
Nigerian musician Tekno has been arrested after travelling through Lagos in a lorry with semi-naked women. A video, which appears to be filmed from another car...
ROK, the leading African film studio and international TV network, has been acquired by CANAL+ Group, comprising production, content distribution and publishing channels. As part of...