Nigerian director and filmmaker Benneth Nwokike has shared the first trailer for his upcoming movie, “Insecure.” Produced by Abdul Tijani-Ahmed, the psychological drama film is Benneth Nwokike’s directorial debut and...
Kunle Afolayan, the award-winning filmmaker, and his crew has wrapped up production on Anikulapo: Rise of the Spectre. He shared the good news in writing on...
Nigerian film director and producer Biodun Stephen has shared the teaser for her upcoming comedy web series, “Omo Momizs.” The new series, produced in conjunction with Shutter Speed...
The upcoming movie “Hotel Lambamba” is a murder mystery written by Frances Okeke. The movie follows the mysterious death of a popular social media influencer in...
The trailer of a new Nollywood short film “The thing with Feathers” has finally been released and it is quite captivating. The short film was shot...
“Battle on Buka Street” will be premiering on prime video June 16th, 2023. The movie is said to be Nigeria’s highest grossing film by Funke Akindele...
Bluhouse Studios and Polar Films Production have finally revealed the first posters of Danny Twitch’s film titled “I Hate it Here”. View this post on...
Renowned filmmaker Kunle Afolayan has shared an exciting first look at his upcoming project, “Rise of the Specter,” which serves as the highly anticipated sequel to the...
The Real Housewives of Abuja, a popular reality show, is set to reunite for a highly anticipated reunion program following an eventful season. The reunion will...
The reunion episode of “Rich Housewives of Anambra“, a humorous online series created by Steve Chuks, has been released. Cathyz Code, Ekene Nna-Udosen, Tracey George, Chioma...