Renowned Nollywood filmmaker and actress Toyin Abraham Ajeyemi has unveiled the official trailer for her highly anticipated December film, “Alakada: Bad and Boujee.” Leveraging her substantial...
Just when you think Lagos can’t dazzle more, it raises the bar with a red-carpet movie premiere! Two nights ago, the city’s entertainment elite gathered for...
The Legends Who Built Nollywood’s Cinematic Empire If you’re a Nollywood fan, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the veteran Nollywood actors who laid the foundation for this...
The upcoming film “Thin Line” promises an intense narrative exploring moral complexity through the powerful performances of Mercy Aigbe and Uzor Arukwe. Specifically, Arukwe portrays Pastor...
Funke Akindele aims to achieve a record-breaking ₦5 billion in ticket sales with her new film, Everybody Loves Jenifa, set for release on December 13, 2024....
Christmas is about to get a thrilling twist with the release of the trailer for Jade Osiberu’s highly anticipated film, Christmas in Lagos. Set to premiere...
Yoruba actor Femi Adebayo recently released the official trailer for his new project, “Seven Doors,” set to premiere on Netflix on December 13, 2024. Previously, Femi...