The CW Network is back with another binge-worthy series titled Gotham Knights. The television broadcasting company known for streaming series like the Arrow, Kung Fu, Tom...
The horror comedy film titled Cocaine Bear is now trending in cinemas and currently available in streaming and download platforms. The movie is based on true...
Detective Boyd (Cole Hauser) on the verge of retirement embarks on the hunt for a serial killer who uses brutal magic called Muti, to murder people....
Netflix has debuted the teaser for its upcoming series, “Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story.” The six-part series is a prequel spin-off of Netflix’s popular series “Bridgerton.”...
It has been revealed that the star-studded cast of “Girls Trip” will be returning for a sequel, this time they’ll be taking all the fun, drama...
Ahead of its November 11th release date, Marvel Studios has given us another look at its next installment – “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”. The 45-second tv spot was...
Netflix’s most-watched series Squid Game is coming to your screens again! Following the success of the first season, the South Korean television series has been renewed for...
It’s confirmed! “F9: The Fast Saga” is coming next year. Ludacris hinted at it, but Michelle Rodriguez has confirmed that “F9: The Fast Saga” is going to space!. We can’t wait...
Kumal Nanjiani and Issa Rae play a blissfully in love couple whose happy life is suddenly interrupted by a man falling on their car in the upcoming movie “The...
Uzo Aduba is the lead character in this movie, “Miss Virginia” based on a true story. Uzo Aduba plays Walden Ford, a single mother who leads the fight for...