The recently released movie “Jesus Revolution” is based on a true-life story. The movie is about Greg Laurie a teenage boy who searches for the right...
The new week is here and it starts with a work free day. However you choose to spend the day, these are 5 Hollywood movies we...
DC Fans will be excited to know that a new superhero movie will be coming out soon and its titled “Blue Bettle”. However, the official trailer...
Fans of Basketball will absolutely love this series. The series is a coming-of-age drama about the basketball prodigy twins Josh and JB who need to learn...
Fans of Spiderman: Into Spider-Verse will be thrilled to know that Miles Morales is back for more action-packed adventures this time around in the new movie...
Its a new week and yes the Easter holiday is coming so its time to rest, chill and have fun. Why don’t you visit the cinema...
The official trailer of the upcoming American computer-animated drama “Elemental” is out and it looks promising. The upcoming animation produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar...
Fans of K-drama especially Squid game, Sweet home and All of us are dead are in luck. The new Korean series known as Duty After School...
CW Network has officially released the new season for Riverdale season and its quite a blast since the gang are going back in time. Riverdale season...
The all-time anticipated movie “Dungeon and dragon: Honor among Thieves” will be released on March 31, 2023 in Cinemas and the movie is pretty lit as...