After five installments of the Transformers film series, we get a first spin-off centered around Bumblebee, which Paramount gives us a first look at in this teaser trailer. Directed...
After being banned in Kenya, LGBT movie ‘Rafiki’ has gone on to make history at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival. The movie has become to first Kenyan movie to...
After over a year without solo releases, and a seemingly quiet social media presence, Nicki Minaj has finally returned with two new singles for her fans....
Orange is launching an offer in Africa to provide access to educational content from the best international universities and training centres. DAKAR, Senegal, February 2, 2018/...
Black Panther premiered in Los Angeles on January 29, 2018, and is set to be released in the United States on February 16, 2018, in IMAX...
LONDON — Britain’s Prince Harry is engaged to marry the American actress Meghan Markle in the spring 2018, the royal palace announced on Monday morning, ending...
The UN opened a major fundraising conference on Monday aimed at securing some of the $434 million dollars aid groups say is needed to care for...
Kenya’s government on Thursday banned protests in the centres of three major cities, including the capital Nairobi, citing lawlessness following opposition demonstrations against the country’s electoral...
More than a dozen fast-moving wildfires tearing through through California’s wine country have killed at least 10 people, destroying hundreds of homes, authorities said Monday. Fanned...
The latest trailer revolves around living in a world without Superman, and the reason Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg have to join forces: they’re...