Hollywood legend Denzel Washington has announced his intention to star in the highly anticipated third instalment of Marvel’s “Black Panther” franchise before retiring from acting. The...
Anakle Films, in collaboration with NBA All-Star Joel Embiid’s production company, Miniature Géant, and LeBron James’ athlete empowerment brand, Uninterrupted, is set to launch a captivating...
This December, Disney is releasing a brand new chapter in the beloved Lion King story. Thirty years after the original animation stole our hearts in 1994,...
Hamisha Daryani, the producer who brought you the laughter and joy of “Namaste Wahala” in 2021, is back with a brand new series. Daryani’s latest creation...
When South Africa’s rising pop star, Tyla, chooses her clothes, there are two essential qualities she looks for: the ability to allow her to dance freely...
The MTV Staying Alive Foundation, alongside Tope Oshin, Dolapo Lola Adeleke, and Folu Storms, created a series of short films titled “In Bloom” that focus on...
Beyoncé has established herself as one of the most successful superstars of all time and is no stranger to topping the Billboard charts. However, this week,...