A new Whitney Houston Documentary is ready for premiere. Showtime Documentary Films has announced “Whitney. Can I Be Me,” will premiere at the 2017 Tribeca Film...
“76,” a historical drama, beat “Mrs Right Guy,” “Happiness is a Four Letter Word,” “Aisha,” “93 Days,” and “Naomba Niseme” to win the AMVCA 2017 best...
The 2017 Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCAs) is underway and the celebrities are out owning the red carpet. The ladies are dashing sporting mostly pieces...
Singer, Chris Brown posted a video denying he has anger issues, and surprisingly, his ex, Karrueche Tran who have filed a restraining order against him liked...
When your car is overheating, it can be tempting to panic. After all, this car could soon leave you on the side of the road, right?...
A few decades ago Wang Wei was personally lugging suitcases and backpacks across China’s southern border, trying to make his fledgling Hong Kong-based courier business a...
Mrs. Betty Anyanwu-Akeredolu, the wife of Ondo State governor, Rotimi Akeredolu‘ made the revelation in an interview with Mary Ekah of ThisDay. When asked how she...
The PDC Podcast is Here!!! with hosts Dammy O and DJ Woske. PDC Podcast brings you the latest in music and entertainment gossip and charting news, including...
The good people and school students of Delta state experienced a new dawn as they played a host to The Tonto Dikeh Foundation Team in Warri,...
John Legend’s model wife and mother of one, clapped back at a twitter user who said her marriage was like every other celebrity marriage which is...