Following the success of The Wedding Party, the ELFIKE Film Collective, a partnership between EbonyLife Films, FilmOne Distribution, Inkblot Productions and Koga Studios decided it was time for a sequel, The Wedding Party 2: Destination...
Olamide, Baddoo, has once again proven that he is the king of the streets. Despite the recent outburst of people accusing him of planning to allow #Sars official, Yomi...
The Coke Studio Africa stage has been home to so many great performances — from Nasty C’s refix of Runtown’s “Mad Over You” to their eventual collaboration on “Said” — that a...
SoundcityMVP Awards Festival unveil Nominees, announce date. The prestigious Soundcity MVP Awards Festival is back like it neverleft! The ceremony is set to take place on...
Ehimare Akhilele popularly known as Prince Ehis, who has carved a niche for himself via his numerous acapella vibes on instagram recently dropped the much anticipated...
Here are pre-wedding pictures of a physically challenged lady and her sweetheart who are set to tie the knot on December 27 in Akwa Ibom state....
Nigerian dancehall star, Damini Ogulu popularly known as ‘Burna Boy’ on Friday submitted himself to the Lagos State Police Command to state his side of the...
Popular US actor/comedian Kelvin Hart and his family’s Christmas card is so adorable. He posted it on his Instagram page with the caption. Happy Holidays from...
With an estimated salary of over $10 million in 2017 which is more than the worldwide gross of his Boston Marathon bombing film, “Patriots Day”, 46-year-old...
While none of his songs since “Mad Over You” have reached the heights of that monster hit, it’s hard to deny that Runtown still has something special. Over...