DJ Cuppy’s new TV series – DJ Cuppy Takes Africa recently launched on FOX Life as the channel made its debut on DSTV. The reality show...
Soulful artist Alicia Keys, seems to be enjoying the natural gang, as she was bared face i.e had no make up at the recent MTV VMAS...
In the spirit of halloween, pop-star Wizkid took to instargram to share sexy pictures of his reported girlfriend, Justine Skye. although he hasn’t come out to...
MMMG boss Ubi Franklin despite recent happenings in his record label, i.e his friend and partner deciding to abandon ship and join forces with a rival...
Popular Nigerian actress Mercy Aigbe, known best for her yoruba language films, released yet another stunning picture of her herself all dressed up in the aso...
Popular blogger Linda Ikeji has expanded her tents by launching her on social platform, the Linda Ikeji Social, her new venture is said to be a...
Valentino‘s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli plans to show the brand’s pre-fall collection in New York on Jan. 11. The designer said he plans to hold a...
Iyanya who recently moved to Don jazzy’s Mavin Records seems to be enjoying his new home and “family”. READ: Iyanya Ports To The Mavin Crew. The...
For the first time ever, Victoria Beckham is trying her hand at children’s wear. But that’s not the only reason we’re amped up for her Target collection, which will debut...
Here is what she wrote… To all incredible women who strive for excellence, When I was growing up, I had a dream. I’m sure you did,...