The first woman to read the news on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), has died at the age of 93. The broadcaster, Nancy ‘Nan Winton’ Wigginton, was...
In a new episode of Red Table Talk, Jada Pinkett Smith opens up about her past addiction to porn, at a point in her life when she was trying...
It’s an all new level for singer Ciara as she has been accepted into Harvard Business School. The 33-year-old “Love Myself” singer shared the good news on Instagram...
Priyanka Chopra is spilling the details on Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner‘s surprise Las Vegas wedding! The star told Access that the nuptials were so fun and so them. Priyanka revealed that...
Ed Sheeran has beaten Adele on the latest edition of the Sunday Times rich list after doubling his wealth in a single year. The ‘Shape of You’ singer is now...
Kim Kardashian has helped secure the release of 17 inmates in the past three months. It has now been revealed that she is set to turn...
American actor and rapper, Common has explained why he opened up to the World on being molested as a child. In his just-released memoir ‘Let Love Have the...
Meghan and Prince Harry have shared the first photo of their son with the world. According to BBC, Meghan during the introduction said: “He has...
One of the most anticipated stars at last night’s MET Gala was Rihanna, but sadly, she was a no show. There were rumours that she wouldn’t attend this...
Lady Gaga was one of the hosts at last night’s Met Gala and she ensured people will be talking about her for days to come by...