As the Reverend Billy Graham lies in honor in the US Capitol, the wave of evangelical Christianity launched by “America’s Pastor” is rolling along while other...
Kenya spent 536 million U.S. dollars on the two elections conducted in 2017, with the money going directly to elections and supportive activities that include provision...
EU President Donald Tusk said Thursday he was “absolutely sure” the bloc’s members would accept a draft treaty for Brexit that has stirred anger in London...
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he aims to cut his country’s “unacceptable” poverty rate in half over the next six years, in a state of the nation address...
British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson drew ridicule Tuesday for suggesting that problems with the Irish border after Brexit could be managed in a similar way to...
President Donald Trump said Monday he would have rushed unarmed into the Florida school targeted by a mass shooter, as student survivors of the slaughter brought...
US President Donald Trump gave Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull an effusive welcome at the White House Friday, trying to put a heated first conversation in...
An Indonesian woman charged with murdering the North Korean leader’s half-brother visited Cambodia to take part in what she believed were pranks for a TV show...
US President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka will come face-to-face with a top North Korean general at the Winter Olympics closing ceremony in the South this weekend,...
Britain will not engage in “Mad Max-style” deregulation and easing of workers’ rights and environmental standards once it leaves the European Union, the Brexit secretary said...