British actor, Idris Elba has revealed his plans to relocate to Africa within the next decade. Motivated by a desire to contribute to the continent’s film...
Falz, a prominent Nigerian rapper, has finally addressed the defamation case against social media personality Verydarkman (VDM). Verydarkman had made false allegations, claiming that Falz and...
Inkblot Productions is set to release another potential blockbuster, this time in collaboration with Meristem. Their latest project, “Family Gbese”, will hit cinemas nationwide on November...
FIFA legend Yakubu Ayegbeni reflects on his illustrious career, expressing no remorse for representing Nigeria despite enduring relentless bullying over a missed goal during the 2010...
Fireboy DML released his fourth album, ‘Adedamola’, on August 29, 2024. He named the album after his first name, and ‘Hell and Back’ emerged as the...
“I don’t mind introducing myself to people. I don’t assume everyone knows me,” Mai Atafo says to a room of journalists who just watched a documentary about...
Omoni Oboli, the film director, has achieved a remarkable milestone with her latest movie “The Uprising: Wives on Strike 3“. The movie now dominates the West...
Tosin Igho, the film director, has announced his upcoming thriller movie titled ‘Suspicion’, which Amazon Prime will release on November 28, 2024. Igho has established himself...
Kane Williamson, 34, a former New Zealand captain, continues to rehabilitate from his groin injury. He will not participate in New Zealand’s second Test match against...
Femi Kuti has expressed his views on the mass emigration trend, which Nigerians popularly call the “japa trend,” and has urged Nigerian youth to fight for...