In as much as money can’t buy you true love, money is very important in sustaining a relationship. Money can build and destroy a relationship because...
When a man falls is in love it is written all over his face. They behave differently from other guys. There are lots of signs to...
The male body is full of surprises. Some of its surprises remains unknown not only to women but to men themselves. Here are some of the...
The fact that depression is a mental illness makes people really careful about what they say to depressed people. There are so many things you should...
There are lots of things you should never say to a depressed person even when you are only trying to help. Depression is a disease that...
Married couples communicate in a number of ways throughout the world. Different countries have cultural norms that people conform to, and these norms directly influence how individuals in intimate relationships communicate. These norms also affect other behaviors and...
Using “Sir” and “Ma” Being a little formal can make you stand out. Using sir and ma is a sign of respect that gets people attention....
Just like guys have the bro codes, there are unwritten codes girls need to live by too. They Are; A friend’s crush or Ex is off...
Stress and depression are too different things but people get easily confused because some of their symptoms are similar. One big difference between stress and depression...
Friends with benefits is a relationship without commitment or emotions attachments. It only exists for pleasure. It is a no strings attached relationship between a man...