KayKas Studios, Drama King Productions and Reel Laif Productions are preparing to release Dognapped on September 29, 2017. It was Produced by Temilola Adebayo, and written...
The health benefits of olive oil are unrivaled, and research reveals more health benefits nearly everyday. In fact, we are only just beginning to understand the...
The super-conservative country is planning to open a huge resort along its northwestern coast where women can wear whatever they like including Bikinis. The Red Sea...
It was the first of its kind friendship experience as “33” Export Lager, the No. 1 Friendship Beer, celebrated World Friendship Day at the ‘City of...
Jordan Brand brings back some classic looks from the 1980s, with these upcoming renditions of the iconic Air Jordan 1. Both pairs get a nylon grey...
Few days ago, 262 stranded Nigerians in Libya voluntarily returned to Nigeria through the humanitarian services of the International Organisation for Migration at the Hajj Camp,...
After experiencing the heartbreak of a miscarriage last year, 34-year-old transgender man, who was born a girl, Trystan Reese and his husband, Biff Chaplow finally welcomes...
Chris Sevier says that if same-sex couples are able to get married and demand that Christian bakers make them wedding cakes, then he should be allowed...
In the Western part of Ekiti state, Nigeria (Ekiti Tourism Corridor), lies a warm spring which has not catapulted Ikogosi-Ekiti to national and international limelight. What...
Junior Chamber International (JCI) Nigeria has officially unveiled the names of 10 young Nigerian professionals who are recipients of 2017 edition of its annual JCI Ten...