The police are investigating Segun Awosanya, one of the major voices demanding the scrapping of the notorious anti-robbery squad, SARS, known for human rights abuses and...
Current King of Fuji Music, Alhaji Sulaimon Alao Adekunle Malaika is set to dedicate his mansion at Lekki Lagos this Sunday 10th December 2017. Lots of...
William Masvinu, a 43-year-old unemployed man has won his fourth title for being the ugliest man in Zimbabwe. Masvinu from Epworth, who had missed out on...
The Bobsled & Skeleton Federation of Nigeria (BSFN) and Temple Management Company (TMC) have released a Temple Music all-star theme song for the inspiring Nigerian Bobsled Team in celebration of their...
Shortly after the news about him being dragged to court by his former record label G-worldwide for breaching his 7-year contract with them, Nigerian singer Kiss...
It seems everyone in the country has had their own fair share of the SARS experience at some point in time. Popular OAP Ebuka Uchendu Obi...
U & I Music front-man – Dotman, The “Akube” Hit crooner wraps up the year as he returns with the spanking new visuals to the song which was...
Nigerian rapper Vector has been pretty vocal about the recent call for the scrapping or total reform of the notorious Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS)arm of the Nigerian Police. On...
The 2017 British Fashion Awards took place in London last night. The events which was held in partnership with Swarovski took place at the Royal Albert Hall and...
Taylor Swift has mostly shied away from covers and photo shoots for a couple of months now but she’s making her return with a bang as she...