Eminem who recently released his star studded album “Revival”. Revival features appearances from Beyoncé (“Walk On Water”), Ed Sheeran (“River”), X Ambassadors (“Bad Husband”), Skylar Grey...
The ELFIKE Film Collective, a partnership between EbonyLife Films, FilmOne Distribution, Inkblot Productions and Koga Studios, is thrilled to announce that The Wedding Party 2: Destination Dubai (TWP...
With no doubts, 2017 has been a Great year for the Nigerian music industry if you agree with me. There were quite a number of exciting...
Fans all over the world have been anticipating the official video premiere of the smash hit single ‘Said’ from African heavy weights Nasty C & Runtown,...
Former Nigerian football star Obafemi Martins, who is currently playing in the Chinese league is on the news again but this time he is not giving...
The hype for the upcoming Black Panther movie starring Lupita Nyong’o, Chadwick Boseman and Michael B. Jordan is gigantic now. Literally everyone is getting ready for the release,...
A month ago, Mr Eazi took a break from pissing Nigerians off to drop his first official single of 2017, “Pour Me Water”. He followed the song’s release...
Ramsey Nouah (born Ramsey Tokunbo Nouah Jr.; 19 December 1970) is a Nigerian actor. He won the Africa Movie Academy Award for Best Actor in a...
Sean Tizzle releases acoustic version to his recent smash hit “Wasted“. in his words; I wasn’t trying to show off recording this track because its an everyday...
Davido is prepping for his 30 Billion concert and the music star has nabbed a new endorsement deal with First Bank of Nigeria. He shared the news...