Comedian and filmmaker Ayo Makun popularly known as A.Y has started a brand new comedy series titled “Call To Bar” the comedy series is based on his early days of...
Wife of the Canadian Prime Minister, Sophie Trudeau has announced her recovery from COVID-19. She was diagnosed with the coronavirus on March 12, sending her and her entire...
Sarkodie has released the music video of his a hit single titled “Anadwo“. The song was taken off Sarkodie’s latest album dubbed “Black Love” and is...
Roksie [Rosie and Kachi] have emerged winner of the first season of Nigeria’s first love reality TV show, Ultimate Love. Iykeresa (Iyke and Theresa) and Roksie...
Yemi Alade took to Twitter to ask Nigerian leaders the stimulus package they have for Nigerians following the outbreak of coronavirus in the country. The singer...
Shanghai Shenhua FC may have thwarted Manchester United’s transfer plans by offering Odion Ighalo a staggering £400,000-a-week contract, according to Sky Sports. The 30-year-old has been an instant hit after...
Nigeria Info is proud to announce the newest addition to its award-winning station. Veteran and multiple award-winning media personality Ifedayo Olarinde, popularly known as ‘Daddy Freeze’, joins the Nigeria Info team...
Johnny Drille comes through with his 2020 debut track titled “Something Better”. “Something Better” is produced by Sigag Lauren. Announcing the release of the new tune, he...
Nollywood actor Koye Kekere-Ekun is engaged! He popped the question to his girlfriend, and she said yes! The excited husband-to-be shared the happy news on Instagram, he with...
Everyone on the fit fam journey knows the importance of staying clear of the meals or snacks that add too much calories into the system. However...