Reality star, Diane Russet, has released the first teaser for her forthcoming movie, “Storm“, directed by Michael ‘AMA Psalmist’ Akinrogunde and produced by Diane Russet. The movie stars...
Popular radio presenter and host, Dan Foster aka Big Dawg, who worked at Cool FM, Inspiration FM, City FM and finally Classic FM has passed on. Nigerian media personality, Oscar Oyinsan, was the first to...
“Ladybuckit & the Motley Mopsters“, an upcoming 3D Nigerian feature-length animation, perfect for family entertainment. It’s about a precocious self-absorbed little girl finds herself in...
Big Brother Naija 2016 winner, writer and filmmaker, Katung Aduwak has dropped a short film titled “Not Supposed To Be Here“. The short film starring Gbenro Ajibade and Jeremy Smith explores an...
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, BET 2020 awards slated for May 20 will now air on Sunday, June 28 (for Africa, Monday, June 9). This year’s...
Gladiator sandals have been around for a long period of time and they remain a classy fashion item. There are various patterns and styles of gladiator...
Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God RCCG, has said that as much as he hates the death penalty, no...
Authorities of the Federal Capital Territory Administration(FCTA) have shut down the popular Jabi Lake Mall where Naira Marley had the drive-in concert yesterday Saturday, June 13. According...
“Skin” a documentary produced by Beverly Naya and directed by Daniel Etim Effiong is coming to Netflix. The documentary features interviews with Eku Edewor, Hilda Dokubo, Bobrisky, Phyno, as well as school...
Sulfur is a 5-star ingredient but it is one of the most overlooked and underrated skincare treatment. Sulfur is not just good for getting rid of...