John Boyega has been tapped for a role in Netflix’s original film “The Formula“, directed by “The First Purge” and “Burning Sands” director, Gerard McMurray. The film follows...
Funke Akindele-Bello and JJC Skillz‘ directional debut film “Omo Ghetto (The Saga)” has been named Nollywood’s highest-grossing movie of all time, breaking a four-year record held...
Jude Abaga, better known by his stage name M.I Abaga, is a Nigerian hip hop recording artist, executive and record producer. Growing up listening to global...
A brand new Nollywood movie, “Ponzi” is coming to cinemas March 5, 2021, and judging from this teaser, fans all over are in for an exciting...
Waje has released the official music video for “Best Thing” starring Ric Hassani, and produced by Crack Mallo. This track serves as a follow-up to the Zoro-assisted “Ngwa.” The video was...
This summer everyone is rocking gingham all over social media, to work, parties, vacation and just in case you’re like the rest of the world and...
When it comes to fashion, there are some things you need and there other things that are nice to have. Bags are an essential piece of accessory; all...
As a lady, there are some feminine hygiene tips you must know. Your body is very delicate and you must take proper care of it. Below...
After a long break from the movie scenes, veteran actress Regina Askia-Williams is back with a bang! Regina just wrapped up filming in Atlanta on the set of...
Everyone gets insecure sometimes……Yes everyone! Insecurity is a normal part of being human. However, insecure thoughts can be like a plague or an evil negative roommate...