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CBN Suspends MTN’s Dividend Payout



The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s order on the suspension of MTN Group’s dividend payment from its Nigerian subsidiary, MTN Nigeria, over an alleged illegal repatriation of funds to South Africa, has left shareholders unpleased by the recent development.

The shareholders, who spoke to The Guardian, yesterday, faulted the move, insisting that dividend that has been declared must be paid.

The South African telecoms giant in a quarterly update to its shareholders, yesterday, in Johannesburg, South Africa, claimed that it was not guilty of the illegal repatriation charges levelled against it by the Nigerian Senate.

The CBN had ordered the four commercial banks operated by MTN to suspend dividend payout from Nigeria. The banks are Standard Chartered Bank, Stanbic IBTC, Diamond Bank and Citi Bank. But CBN Spokesman, Isaac Okorafor, said yesterday that he was not aware of the order.

The crux of the allegation is that MTN did not obtain certificates declaring it had invested foreign currency in Nigeria within a 24-hour deadline stipulated in a 1995 law and therefore the repatriation of returns on those investments was illegal.

MTN runs the biggest wireless phone network in Nigeria, which generates a third of its annual sales. The telecoms firm had this year, agreed to pay a reduced fine of N330 billion ($1.08 billion) to end a long-running dispute over unregistered SIM cards in Nigeria.

The South African firm has also delayed its long-awaited listing on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), and no explanations from the firm or the exchange for the delay.

Shares in the company have fallen by more than 14 per cent to their lowest level in more than six years since the latest issue surfaced on September 27.

But shareholders, who spoke to The Guardian on the development, criticised the CBN’s decision as high-handed, considering that the dividend is shareholders’ benefits from their investment.

The President, Renaissance Shareholders Association of Nigeria, Timothy Olufemi, described the suspension of the dividend as ‘uncalled for,’ noting that dividend declared is a debt that must be paid by the firm.

“Well, the accusation may be due to payment of cash dividend to foreign shareholders in dollars without due approvals. But, we do not see any reason for the suspension of cash dividend if not that they have done something wrong. It is uncalled for. Dividend must be paid when declared. It is a debt,” he said.

The President, Ibadan Zone, Shareholders Association of Nigeria, Sola Abodunrin, said: “If the dividend has been declared in an annual general meeting, MTN has no right to suspend it. The investigation that is going on is a different thing entirely. A dividend that has been declared must be paid.”

Similarly, the President, Constance Shareholders Association, Shehu Mallam Mikail, who explained that MTN has no right to suspend shareholders’ dividend, noted that the telecoms giant is making profit and getting good returns from Nigeria.

He urged the regulatory authorities to ensure that multinationals operating in Nigeria complied with the rules so as to protect investors’ rights.

Mikail noted that “The illegal transfers do not concern the issue of dividend payout and MTN can only fish out those concerned in the transfer saga and it should not stop the payment of dividend to shareholders because it is an investment.”

According to the President, Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria (ATCON), Olushola Teniola, the CBN cannot stop a legally registered company from declaring dividends or making dividend payments, unless there is evidence of criminal activity or a court order stipulates this in rare cases.

But the President, Ibadan Zone Shareholders Association of Nigeria, Sola Abodunrin, believed the suspension should not affect MTN from listing next year as planned.

According to him, the agreement to list was part of conditions given when they were negotiating a reduction in their fine, “so as a responsible company, I do not think they will renege. Many Nigerians are looking forward to their listing.”

Timothy Olufemi, however, believed strongly that the suspension would affect MTN’s listing next year.

The South African telecoms firm in the letter to its shareholders, confirmed that “MTN Nigeria, four commercial banks, certain MTN Nigeria directors and shareholders, the Central Bank of Nigeria and others appeared before the Senate on October 20, 2016 at the outset of this investigation.

“The allegations are that $13.97 billion was repatriated illegally by MTN Nigeria through its bankers. MTN Nigeria and its bankers are cooperating with the investigation with a view to resolving the matter as expeditiously as possible.

“In the interim, the CBN has instructed the banks to suspend any remittance of dividends until further notice. MTN Nigeria continues to refute the allegations that MTN Nigeria had improperly repatriated funds from Nigeria.

“Consequently, MTN Nigeria will strongly defend any action that would be prejudicial to its interest. MTN Nigeria has no intention to make any dividend payments over the next six months.”

Senator Dino Melaye blew the lid that MTN in connivance with the Minister of Trade and Investment, Okechukwu Enelamah, and four commercial banks exploited the Nigerian financial system to illegally move $13.97 billion out of the country without the required authorisation.

Meanwhile, the embattled telecommunications firm has revealed that its new chief executive will take over three months ahead of plan.Vodafone European boss, Rob Shuter, was due to start in July next year but MTN said in a statement accompanying its quarterly update that he would now start on March 13, 2017.

South Africa-born Shuter, a banker with risk management background, will inherit a company that is the subject of a parliamentary investigation in Nigeria on whether it unlawfully repatriated $13.97 billion between 2006 and 2016.



Why Is Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace Important?



Why Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace Is Important |

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are essential. More than just policies or headcounts, equitable employers gain a competitive edge by respecting the unique needs, perspectives, and potential of their diverse workforce. As a result, these workplaces earn deeper trust and stronger commitment from their employees.

What’s the Difference Between Diversity and Inclusion?

Diversity and inclusion are interconnected but distinct concepts. Diversity is about representation, focusing on the makeup of a group. Inclusion is about valuing and integrating the contributions and perspectives of different groups into the environment.

A workplace may be diverse with various genders, races, nationalities, and sexual orientations present. However, if only certain groups’ perspectives are valued or hold influence, the environment is not inclusive.

What Is Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace?

A diverse and inclusive workplace ensures that everyone, regardless of their role or background, feels equally involved and supported in all areas. This inclusiveness must permeate every part of the workplace.

For instance, do you have diversity in recruiting, within departments, and in leadership? Or do you have a diverse workforce where women make up 50% of employees but hold 0% of managerial positions? Are employees of colour well-represented, but only within a single department?

These questions reveal the true extent of diversity and inclusion within a workplace.

Why Is Diversity and Inclusion Important in the Workplace?

Research highlights numerous benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace, such as higher revenue growth, greater readiness to innovate, and increased ability to recruit a diverse talent pool. Additionally, inclusive workplaces experience 5.4 times higher employee retention rates.

Inclusion is a key factor in employee retention. When employees feel that their ideas, presence, or contributions are undervalued or ignored, they will eventually leave. Our research shows that employees who trust they will be treated fairly, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or age, are:

– 9.8 times more likely to look forward to work.
– 6.3 times more likely to feel pride in their work.
– 5.4 times more likely to stay at their company long-term.

An inclusive workplace culture not only attracts diverse talent but also helps retain it.

1. Diverse organizations spark innovation.

Innovation thrives when people from different backgrounds contribute unique perspectives. Diverse teams approach problems from various angles, leading to creative solutions that homogeneous groups might overlook.

2. Diverse leadership expands an organization’s customer base.

Leaders from varied backgrounds understand and relate to a wider range of customers. They identify untapped markets and create products or services that appeal to diverse consumer groups, ultimately growing the organization’s reach.

3. Diverse teams get better answers.

Team members with different experiences and knowledge bases challenge each other’s assumptions. This questioning leads to more thorough analysis and often results in superior solutions to complex problems.

4. Diverse project teams collaborate more effectively.

People from varied backgrounds bring complementary skills to projects. They leverage each other’s strengths, compensate for weaknesses, and find innovative ways to work together, enhancing overall team productivity.

5. Diversity improves team performance.

Diverse teams often outperform homogeneous ones. The combination of different skill sets, perspectives, and problem-solving approaches leads to higher-quality outputs and more efficient work processes.

6. Diverse teams make better decisions.

Teams with varied backgrounds consider a wider range of options when making choices. They evaluate decisions from multiple viewpoints, reducing blind spots and biases that can lead to poor judgment.

In essence, diversity and inclusion are crucial to a strong employee retention strategy.

What Is an Inclusive Workplace?

Diversity without genuine inclusion is often seen as “tokenism.” A truly inclusive workplace does more than simply present a diverse group of people. It involves, develops, empowers, and trusts these individuals, ensuring that diversity efforts extend beyond superficial gestures.

What’s the Difference Between Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging?

Diversity refers to the representation of different people within an organization. Inclusion ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute and influence all levels of the workplace. Belonging ensures that everyone feels safe and can bring their full, unique selves to work.

These concepts can be confusing, and many companies make simple mistakes in their diversity or inclusion efforts. Thankfully, these mistakes can be corrected if workplaces are aware of them.

Unfortunately, many organizations fail to recognize what’s right and wrong in their diversity and inclusion strategies unless they actively seek to understand them.

Why is it important to achieve diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

Equitable employers prioritize creating a workplace that values and respects the unique needs, perspectives, and potential of their diverse workforce. This approach goes beyond implementing policies, and programs, or simply focusing on headcounts. By fostering a culture of inclusivity, equitable employers gain a significant advantage over their competitors.

As a result of their commitment to diversity and inclusion, these employers earn deeper trust and loyalty from their employees. When employees feel valued, respected, and empowered, they are more likely to be committed to their work and the organization.

For more articles like this, visit here.

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How To Create A Winning Business Plan



Business Plan: How to Create a Winning Business Plan |

A well-crafted business plan is essential for any entrepreneur looking to start or grow a successful business. It serves as a roadmap for your company, outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections.

A winning business plan helps you clarify your vision and attracts potential investors and partners. This article will guide you through the key elements of creating a compelling business plan that sets your business up for success.

Executive Summary

The executive summary is the first section of your business plan, but it’s often best to write it last. This section concisely overviews your entire business plan, highlighting the most important points. It should capture the reader’s attention and make them want to learn more about your business.

Include a brief description of your company, products or services, target market, competitive advantage, and financial projections. Keep it clear and compelling, as this may be the only section some readers review in depth.

Company Description

In this section, provide a detailed overview of your company. Explain what your business does, its mission and vision, and its legal structure. Describe your industry and any relevant trends that may impact your business.

Include information about your company’s history if it’s already established, or your background and expertise if it’s a new venture. This section should give readers a clear understanding of your company’s purpose and position in the market.

Products or Services

Describe your products or services in detail. You must explain what makes them unique and valuable to your target customers. Discuss any patents, copyrights, or proprietary technology that give you a competitive edge.

If you’re still in the development stage, outline your research and development plans. Include information about your production process, suppliers, and any other relevant operational details.

This section should demonstrate that you have a deep understanding of your offerings and their place in the market.

Market Analysis

A thorough market analysis is crucial for a winning business plan. Research your industry, target market, and competitors. Identify your ideal customer and describe their demographics, psychographics, and buying behaviours. Analyze market trends, size, and growth potential. Conduct a competitive analysis to understand your rivals’ strengths and weaknesses.

Use this information to explain how your business will fit into the market and why customers will choose your products or services over those of your competitors.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Outline your plan for reaching and attracting customers. Describe your marketing and advertising strategies, including both traditional and digital methods. Explain your pricing strategy and how it aligns with your target market and competitive landscape. Detail your sales process and any partnerships or distribution channels you plan to use.

This section should demonstrate that you have a clear plan for getting your products or services in front of your target customers and converting them into paying clients.

Organization and Management

Describe your company’s organizational structure and introduce key team members. Include brief biographies highlighting relevant experience and skills. If you have a board of directors or advisors, mention them and explain how they contribute to your business.

This section should instil confidence in your leadership team’s ability to execute the business plan successfully. If you’re a solo entrepreneur, be honest about your strengths and weaknesses, and explain how you plan to address any gaps in expertise.

Financial Projections

Your financial projections are critical for demonstrating the viability and potential of your business. Include detailed financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for at least the next three to five years.

Be realistic and base your projections on solid research and assumptions. Explain the reasoning behind your numbers and any key metrics you use to measure success.

If you’re seeking funding, clearly state how much you need, how you plan to use it, and how investors will benefit. This section should show that you have a solid understanding of your financial needs and potential returns.

Funding Request

If you’re using your business plan to seek funding, include a clear and detailed funding request. Specify the amount of money you need, how you plan to use it, and the type of funding you’re seeking (e.g., equity investment, loan).

Explain how the funding will help you achieve your business goals and provide a timeline for when you expect to achieve profitability. Be prepared to discuss different funding scenarios and how they might impact your business.


Use the appendix to include any additional information that supports your business plan but doesn’t fit neatly into the main sections. This might include market research data, product specifications, legal documents, resumes of key team members, or any other relevant materials.

The appendix allows you to keep your main business plan concise while still providing access to important supporting information.

Creating a winning business plan takes time and effort, but it is required in building a successful business. Be thorough in your research, realistic in your projections, and clear in your communication.

Remember that your business plan is a living document that should be regularly reviewed and updated as your business grows and evolves.

With a well-crafted business plan in hand, you’ll be better prepared to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and seize opportunities for growth and success.

Visit here for more business tips.

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Why Adopting A Remote Work Policy Is Extremely Beneficial



Remote Work Policy: Why It Is Beneficial |

In recent years, remote work has become increasingly popular among businesses of all sizes. This trend has been further accelerated by global events that have forced many companies to reconsider their traditional office-based work models. Adopting a remote work policy can offer numerous benefits to both employers and employees.

This article explores the advantages of implementing a remote work policy and how it can positively impact various aspects of a business.

Increased Productivity and Efficiency

One of the most significant benefits of adopting a remote work policy is the potential for increased productivity and efficiency. When employees work from home or other remote locations, they often experience fewer distractions compared to a busy office environment. This can lead to improved focus and concentration on the tasks at hand.

Additionally, remote workers have the flexibility to create a work environment that suits their individual needs and preferences, which can further enhance their productivity. Many remote employees report feeling more motivated and energized when working from a comfortable space of their choosing.

The absence of a daily commute also means that employees can start their workday earlier and fresher, potentially leading to higher output and better quality work. Moreover, remote work often encourages a results-oriented approach, where performance is measured by outcomes rather than time spent at a desk, which can drive overall efficiency within the organization.

Cost Savings for Employers and Employees

Implementing a remote work policy can result in significant cost savings for both companies and their staff. For employers, the most obvious benefit is the reduction in overhead costs associated with maintaining a physical office space. This includes expenses such as rent, utilities, office supplies, and maintenance.

With fewer employees working on-site, companies can downsize their office space or eliminate it entirely, leading to substantial savings. Additionally, businesses may see a decrease in other operational costs, such as reduced need for office equipment and lower electricity bills.

On the employee side, remote work can lead to considerable personal savings. Workers no longer need to spend money on daily commutes, work attire, or eating out for lunch. These savings can add up quickly, potentially improving employees’ financial well-being and job satisfaction.

The cost benefits of remote work can be particularly advantageous for small businesses and startups looking to minimize expenses while maximizing productivity.

Improved Work-Life Balance

Remote work policies can significantly contribute to a better work-life balance for employees. The flexibility offered by remote work allows individuals to better manage their personal and professional responsibilities.

Employees can structure their workday around their most productive hours, attend to personal matters when needed, and avoid the stress of rush-hour commutes. This increased control over their schedule can lead to reduced stress levels and improved overall well-being.

Parents and caregivers especially benefit from the ability to be more present for their families while still maintaining their professional commitments.

The improved work-life balance often results in happier, more satisfied employees who are likely to be more loyal to their employer and less prone to burnout. This, in turn, can lead to lower turnover rates and reduced recruitment costs for companies.

How To Get A Remote Job (2024)

Access to a Wider Talent Pool

Adopting a remote work policy opens up new possibilities for talent acquisition. When geographical constraints are removed, companies can access a much wider pool of potential employees. This is particularly beneficial for businesses located in areas with limited local talent or those seeking specialized skills that may be scarce in their region.

Remote work allows companies to hire the best candidates regardless of their location, potentially leading to a more skilled workforce. This expanded talent pool can bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the organization, fostering innovation and creativity.

Additionally, the ability to offer remote work options can make a company more attractive to potential employees, giving them an edge in competitive job markets. It can be especially appealing to younger generations who value flexibility and work-life balance in their career choices.

Environmental Benefits

The environmental impact of adopting a remote work policy should not be overlooked. With fewer employees commuting to work daily, there is a significant reduction in carbon emissions from transportation. This can contribute to a company’s sustainability goals and improve its environmental footprint.

Remote work also leads to reduced energy consumption in office buildings, further decreasing the overall environmental impact of business operations. Additionally, the decrease in paper usage and other office supplies can contribute to conservation efforts.

Companies that prioritize environmental responsibility may find that a remote work policy aligns well with their sustainability initiatives, potentially enhancing their reputation among environmentally conscious consumers and employees.

Enhanced Business Continuity and Resilience

Remote work policies can significantly improve a company’s ability to maintain operations during unexpected events or crises. When employees are already set up to work remotely, businesses can continue functioning even in situations that might otherwise disrupt normal operations.

This includes natural disasters, public health emergencies, or other unforeseen circumstances. This enhanced business continuity can be crucial for maintaining productivity and customer service during challenging times.

Remote work infrastructure also provides companies with more flexibility to scale their operations up or down as needed, adapting quickly to changing market conditions or business needs. This resilience can be a key factor in a company’s long-term success and stability in an increasingly unpredictable business environment.

In conclusion, adopting a remote work policy offers numerous benefits that can positively impact both employers and employees. From increased productivity and cost savings to improved work-life balance and environmental benefits, remote work has the potential to transform the way businesses operate.

While implementing a remote work strategy may require some initial adjustments and investment in technology, the long-term advantages can far outweigh the challenges.

As more companies embrace remote work, they are likely to gain a competitive edge. They would attract talent, reduce costs, and build a more resilient and flexible organization.

Check here for more tips and benefits.

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