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4 Things To Stop Doing Because You Are Nice



We become what we think about. The human mind is an incredible thing, and having the right attitude and mindset is very pivotal in living a happy and meaningful life. However been too nice can be detrimental to our happiness if we don’t control it.

Here are 4 things we need to stop doing because we are nice;

Trying To Please Everyone

You can’t make everyone happy, so stop trying to make everyone happy. At one point or another, someone is going to have a problem with you. Besides you don’t even like everyone. Do you? The best thing to do is to always do the right thing.

Saying Yes When You Ought To Say No

Stop disappointing yourself all because you don’t want to disappoint anyone, you’ve got to stand up for yourself.

Putting Other People’s Needs Before Your Own

Your needs are important too. You have every reason to be happy too, so, put a limit to your sacrifices. Stop giving people what they cannot give themselves at the expense of your own happiness.

Putting Up With People Treating You Badly

You Need to stop Putting up with poor treatment from people, you need to take yourself to a place where they won’t be able to affect you with their negative, and stop them from exploiting your emotions for their own satisfaction.



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Sexual Dysfunction: Types, Causes & How To Deal



Sexual Dysfunction: Causes & How To Deal |

Sexual dysfunction can affect anyone, both men and women, and it can happen in different ways. To better define sexual dysfunction, it refers to any problem that prevents an individual from experiencing satisfaction during sexual activity.

While common, it can create emotional stress, strain relationships, and lower self-esteem. Understanding how to deal with sexual dysfunction involves identifying the problem, seeking appropriate treatment, and finding support to improve your sexual health and overall well-being.

What Is Sexual Dysfunction?

You would agree with me that sexual dysfunction refers to a range of issues that interfere with normal sexual function. These problems can occur at any stage of the sexual response cycle. It includes desire, arousal, orgasm, and resolution.

Sexual dysfunction affects both physical and emotional health. It may be temporary or long-lasting, depending on its cause and treatment.

The key to overcoming sexual dysfunction is to understand its underlying causes, which can be physical, psychological, or a combination of both. Treatment options vary but often involve medical interventions, lifestyle changes, and therapy.

Sexual Dysfunction in Men

Men experience a range of sexual dysfunctions that can affect their ability to engage in or enjoy sexual activity. The most common types include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, and low libido.

1. Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. It is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in men.

ED can result from physical causes, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or obesity. Psychological factors, including stress, anxiety, or depression, can also contribute to ED.

How to deal with it:

  • See a doctor for a thorough physical exam and discuss your symptoms.
  • Medications like Viagra or Cialis can help improve blood flow to the penis
  • Address any psychological issues through counseling or therapy.
  • Lifestyle changes like exercising, quitting smoking, and reducing alcohol intake can also improve erectile function.

2. Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) occurs when a man ejaculates sooner than he or his partner would like during sexual activity. PE can be frustrating and lead to feelings of embarrassment or inadequacy.

It is often caused by psychological factors such as anxiety, stress, or performance pressure, though physical factors can also play a role.

How to deal with it:

  • Try behavioural techniques such as the “stop-start” method to delay ejaculation.
  • Consider using desensitizing creams or sprays to reduce penile sensitivity.
  • In some cases, antidepressants prescribed by a doctor can help delay ejaculation.
  • Therapy or counseling may help address the emotional causes of PE.

3. Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is the opposite of premature ejaculation. It occurs when a man has difficulty or cannot ejaculate during sexual activity, even when fully aroused. This condition can be caused by certain medications, chronic health issues, or psychological factors.

How to deal with it:

  • Review any medications you are taking with your doctor, as they may be contributing to the problem.
  • Therapy can be useful in addressing psychological issues such as anxiety or relationship problems.
  • Physical exercises or pelvic floor therapy can sometimes help improve ejaculation.

4. Low Libido

Low libido, or reduced interest in sexual activity, can affect men at any age. It can be caused by hormonal imbalances, chronic illness, fatigue, stress, or emotional problems. Low testosterone levels are often linked to low libido in men.

How to deal with it:

  • Have your hormone levels checked by a doctor. Testosterone replacement therapy might be an option.
  • Make time for relaxation and manage stress to improve your overall mood.
  • Speak openly with your partner about your needs and feelings to reduce emotional barriers.
  • Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep can also help boost libido.

Sexual Dysfunction in Women

Women also experience various forms of sexual dysfunction, which can affect their ability to enjoy or engage in sexual activity. Common dysfunctions include low desire, difficulty with arousal, pain during intercourse, and inability to reach orgasm.

1. Low Sexual Desire

Low sexual desire, or hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in women.

It involves a lack of interest in sex, which can be distressing for both the individual and their partner. Causes include hormonal changes, stress, emotional trauma, or relationship issues.

How to deal with it:

  • Consult a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions such as hormonal imbalances.
  • Therapy or counseling can help address emotional or psychological factors.
  • Mindfulness techniques or sex therapy can improve sexual desire and overall sexual health.
  • Medications such as flibanserin may help increase sexual desire in some women.

2. Difficulty with Arousal

Arousal disorders occur when a woman has trouble becoming physically aroused or maintaining arousal during sexual activity.

This can be caused by poor blood flow to the genitals, hormonal shifts (such as menopause), or psychological issues like stress or body image concerns.

How to deal with it:

  • Use lubricants to reduce discomfort and improve physical arousal.
  • Hormone therapy may be an option, especially for women going through menopause.
  • Counseling or therapy can help resolve emotional or psychological barriers to arousal.
  • Engage in more extended foreplay to allow time for arousal to build.

3. Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia)

Painful intercourse, known as dyspareunia, can make sexual activity uncomfortable or unbearable. This condition may be caused by vaginal dryness, infections, endometriosis, or trauma. Both physical and emotional factors can contribute to dyspareunia.

How to deal with it:

  • Visit a gynaecologist to determine the cause of the pain and receive appropriate treatment.
  • Use lubricants to alleviate vaginal dryness and reduce friction during intercourse.
  • Pelvic floor therapy can help strengthen muscles and improve comfort during sex.
  • Therapy can address emotional factors, such as anxiety or trauma, that may be contributing to the pain.

4. Inability to Reach Orgasm (Anorgasmia)

Anorgasmia refers to the difficulty or inability to achieve orgasm during sexual activity, even with adequate arousal and stimulation. This condition can stem from a variety of causes, including psychological issues, medications, or lack of proper stimulation.

How to deal with it:

  • Discuss the issue with a healthcare provider to rule out any medical or medication-related causes.
  • Experiment with different forms of stimulation or positions to increase your chances of achieving orgasm.
  • Therapy can be beneficial for addressing psychological barriers such as anxiety, shame, or past trauma.
  • Couples counselling or sex therapy can also help improve communication and intimacy in your relationship.

General Tips for Dealing with Sexual Dysfunction

Regardless of gender, dealing with sexual dysfunction requires patience, communication, and proactive treatment. Here are some general tips for managing sexual dysfunction:

1. Communicate Openly: Talk with your partner about your concerns, needs, and expectations. Open communication helps reduce anxiety and fosters understanding.

2. Seek Professional Help: A healthcare provider can identify the root causes of sexual dysfunction and recommend treatment options such as medications, therapy, or lifestyle changes.

3. Manage Stress: High-stress levels can negatively impact sexual function. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to help manage stress.

4. Stay Physically Active: Regular exercise improves blood circulation, boosts energy levels, and enhances mood, all of which contribute to better sexual health.

5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and limiting alcohol and tobacco use can improve overall sexual function.

6. Consider Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), sex therapy, or couples counseling can help address emotional or psychological factors contributing to sexual dysfunction.

Sexual dysfunction can be a challenging and emotional issue for both men and women. However, it’s important to remember that these problems are treatable.

When you understand the specific dysfunction, seek appropriate medical or psychological help, and maintain open communication with your partner. With that, you can work towards improving your sexual health and overall well-being.

Also note that with the right support and treatment, it’s possible to overcome sexual dysfunction and restore intimacy in your relationships.

For more articles on sex, check here.

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Want To Brew Your Own Beer? Here’s How!



How To Brew Beer |

Brewing beer at home is a rewarding and enjoyable process. With the right ingredients and equipment, you can make your own unique craft beer. This guide will show you how to brew beer from start to finish.

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this article will walk you through every stage of the brewing process.

Ingredients You’ll Need

To start brewing, gather these essential ingredients:

  • Malt (Barley or other grains)
  • Water
  • Hops
  • Yeast
  • Priming Sugar

Each ingredient plays a key role in the beer-making process. Malt provides the sugars needed for fermentation, hops add bitterness and flavor, yeast ferments the sugars, and water makes up the majority of the beer’s volume.

Equipment for Brewing Beer

Before learning how to brew beer, ensure you have the following equipment:

  • Brew kettle (a large pot for boiling)
  • Fermenter (a sealed container for fermentation)
  • Airlock (to let gas escape during fermentation)
  • Siphon tubing (for transferring beer)
  • Bottles and bottle caps
  • Thermometer (to measure temperature)
  • Sanitizer (for cleaning equipment)

Proper sanitation is crucial when brewing beer. Always clean and sanitize your equipment to avoid bacteria that could spoil your batch.

How to Brew Beer

Step 1: Heat the water and malt

To begin the process of how to brew beer, fill your brew kettle with water. Heat the water to around 160°F (71°C), then add your malt extract or crushed grains. Stir the mixture thoroughly to prevent clumping.

Mash Process

In this step, you’re creating the “mash.” The heat allows the enzymes in the malt to convert the starches into fermentable sugars. Keep the temperature steady for about 60 minutes. This process extracts the necessary sugars to feed the yeast during fermentation.

Step 2: Boil and add hops

After the mash is complete, increase the heat and bring the mixture to a boil. This boiling process is essential when learning how to brew beer because it sterilizes the wort (unfermented beer). Once the mixture reaches a rolling boil, it’s time to add the hops.

Why add hops?

Hops add bitterness, flavor, and aroma to your beer. The longer the hops boil, the more bitterness they impart. Add hops at various stages during the boil to achieve the desired flavor. Typically, the boil lasts about 60 to 90 minutes.

Step 3: Cool the wort

After boiling, the next critical step in how to brew beer is cooling the wort as quickly as possible. Rapid cooling prevents bacterial contamination and helps improve clarity. Use an ice bath or a wort chiller to bring the temperature down to around 70°F (21°C).

Why is cooling important?

Cooling the wort quickly is vital because yeast thrives at lower temperatures. If the wort is too hot, the yeast will die or produce unwanted flavors. A wort chiller can cool the liquid faster than an ice bath, making it a helpful tool in brewing.

Step 4: Transfer to the fermenter

Once the wort is cool, carefully transfer it to the fermenter using a siphon. Avoid splashing, as too much oxygen at this stage can affect the beer’s flavor. Secure the fermenter with an airlock.

The next step in how to brew beer is adding the yeast (pitching). Sprinkle the yeast over the cooled wort and close the fermenter. The yeast will begin to ferment the sugars, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Step 5: Ferment the beer

Fermentation is a crucial part of how to brew beer. Store the fermenter in a dark, cool place, ideally around 65-75°F (18-24°C). Depending on the yeast strain and beer style, fermentation will take about one to two weeks.

What happens during fermentation?

During fermentation, yeast consumes the sugars in the wort, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide. The airlock allows gas to escape while keeping contaminants out. Monitor the fermentation process by watching for bubbles in the airlock. When bubbling slows, fermentation is nearing completion.

Step 6: Bottle the beer

After fermentation, it’s time to bottle your beer. First, you’ll need to mix priming sugar with the beer. This step is crucial because it triggers a small secondary fermentation in the bottles, creating carbonation.

How to bottle beer

  • Clean and sanitize your bottles and caps.
  • Dissolve priming sugar in water and add it to the beer.
  • Use a siphon to transfer the beer into bottles, leaving about an inch of space at the top.
  • Cap the bottles tightly.

Let the bottles sit at room temperature for one to two weeks. This waiting period allows the beer to carbonate.

Step 7: Store and enjoy your beer

Once the beer is carbonated, store the bottles in a cool, dark place. When you’re ready to enjoy your brew, chill a bottle, open it carefully, and pour it into a glass. Be sure to leave any sediment at the bottom of the bottle behind.

How to brew beer |

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on How to Brew Beer

1. How long does it take to brew beer?

The entire process of how to brew beer, from boiling to bottling, takes about four to six weeks. The brewing process itself takes a few hours, but fermentation and carbonation require time. Fermentation can last one to two weeks, while carbonation in the bottles usually takes another one to two weeks.

2. What is the best temperature for fermentation?

The ideal fermentation temperature for most ales is between 65-75°F (18-24°C). If the temperature is too high, the yeast may produce unwanted flavors. Keeping the fermenter in a cool, stable environment helps ensure a clean fermentation.

3. Can I brew beer without hops?

Yes, it’s possible to brew beer without hops, but hops provide bitterness and balance to the beer’s sweetness. Without hops, your beer may taste overly sweet and lack the flavor complexity hops provide. Historically, people used herbs like gruit instead of hops for bitterness.

4. What type of yeast should I use for brewing beer?

The type of yeast you choose depends on the style of beer you want to brew. For ales, ale yeast works best, while lagers require lager yeast. Ale yeast ferments at higher temperatures and produces fruity, complex flavors. Lager yeast ferments at cooler temperatures, resulting in a cleaner, crisper taste.

5. Can I brew beer with fruits or spices?

Yes, many homebrewers add fruits or spices to their beer for unique flavors. These ingredients can be added during fermentation or the brewing process. Common additions include citrus zest, berries, cinnamon, and vanilla. However, it’s important to balance these flavors with the beer’s base ingredients.

6. How can I improve my beer’s clarity?

To improve beer clarity, ensure you cool the wort quickly after boiling. Adding a clarifying agent like Irish moss or gelatin can also help. Finally, allow enough time for fermentation and carbonation, as beer often clears up after extended time in the bottle.

7. What if my beer doesn’t carbonate?

If your beer doesn’t carbonate, it may be due to insufficient priming sugar or improper sealing of the bottles. Ensure that you add the right amount of priming sugar and that your bottles are tightly capped. In some cases, giving the beer more time to carbonate can resolve the issue.

8. How do I avoid contamination when brewing beer?

Sanitation is key to avoiding contamination. Always clean and sanitize your equipment before and after use. Contaminants like bacteria and wild yeast can spoil your beer if they enter the brewing process. Using an airlock during fermentation also prevents contamination.

9. Can I brew beer without a kit?

Yes, you can brew beer without a kit by gathering the necessary ingredients and equipment separately. Brewing from scratch gives you more control over the beer’s flavor and ingredients.

However, kits can be a great option for beginners who want a simple way to start brewing.

10. How to brew beer at home for beginners?

Beginners can start by using a beer brewing kit, which includes pre-measured ingredients and instructions. Following this step-by-step guide on how to brew beer is another great way to learn.

Begin with basic equipment and ingredients, practice sanitizing, and follow each step carefully for a successful batch.

Conclusively, learning how to brew beer at home is both fun and satisfying. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create your own craft beer in just a few weeks.

Whether you’re experimenting with different ingredients or perfecting your technique, brewing beer is a creative process with endless possibilities. With patience and practice, you’ll master how to brew beer and enjoy the fruits of your labor with friends and family.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to read more on drinks, visit this page.

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12 Signs Your Marriage Is Over: How To Accept The Truth



Signs Your Marriage Is Over |

It’s devastating to recognize that your marriage is nearing its end. However, recognizing the signs your marriage is over can help you come to terms with the reality and begin moving forward.

When you first got married, you probably imagined a future filled with happiness and unity, but things may have changed over time.

Unfortunately, life doesn’t always unfold as planned. Constant disagreements and arguments can drain your energy and leave you feeling hopeless. If you’ve invested significant effort into saving your marriage but continue to face setbacks, it’s time to confront the reality that it may be over.

As you reflect on the challenges your marriage has faced, you may find yourself clinging to hope that things will improve. However, when your heart tells you enough is enough, it’s crucial to listen and take action.

This post will explore the telltale signs that your marriage is over and guide what you can do about it.

Recognizing When It’s Time to Move On

These “12 signs your marriage is over” may resonate with you if you are experiencing deep issues in your relationship. While every marriage goes through rough patches, prolonged and unresolved problems are often a signal that the relationship has run its course. Recognizing these signs can be the first step toward deciding whether to stay or move on.

Ending a marriage is never easy, but staying in one that is no longer working can be even harder. It’s important to acknowledge when the love and connection have faded, and allow both partners the opportunity to find happiness elsewhere.

If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to read more, you check here.

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