The FBI is investigating allegations that R. Kelly used a minor as a “sex slave”.

According to TMZ, the FBI is looking into claims that the singer transported a minor across state lines for the purpose of sex. If proved true, Kelly would be in violation of US federal law’s Mann Act and could face up to 10 years in prison.

It’s claimed that one of Kelly’s alleged victims, Azriel Clary, who was featured in the Surviving R Kelly docuseries, was flown from Palm Springs to Phoenix to Orlando in May 2015. She was 17 years old at the time of the alleged journey.

Clary’s family say that the flights were arranged by Kelly’s personal assistant. They haven’t heard from Clary since 2016 and believe that she may be Kelly’s “sex slave”.

TMZ also reports that the FBI has been in touch with the family of Jocelyn Savage, another one of Kelly’s alleged sex slaves.

Kelly’s lawyer, Steve Greenberg, denied to TMZ that Kelly violated the law and added that he was unaware of any investigation. Kelly’s representatives also reportedly flagged-up a handwritten note from Clary’s mother in which she gave Kelly’s assistant consent to care for her daughter.

Kelly has previously denied claims against him through Greenberg. On January 11, Greenberg told the Associated Press: “The allegations aren’t true because he never knowingly had sex with an underage woman, he never forced anyone to do anything, he never held anyone captive, he never abused anyone.