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How To Make A Thick Smoothie Bowl



How To Make A Thick Smoothie Bowl |

Have you ever dreamed of a smoothie bowl that’s so thick and creamy it’s like eating soft-serve ice cream? Well, the secret lies in using only frozen fruit and vegetables.

This simple trick is the key to achieving an incredibly thick, smooth, and creamy consistency in your smoothie bowls. With a variety of flavour combinations and creative toppings, you can create hundreds of delicious and nutritious smoothie bowls for breakfast, snacks, or desserts!

Regular Smoothies vs. Smoothie Bowls

Unlike regular smoothies that are served in glasses and sipped, smoothie bowls are a completely different experience. The most significant difference is the consistency.

While you may enjoy a good smoothie, smoothie bowls are much thicker and meant to be eaten with a spoon from a bowl. They’re typically topped with various fresh fruits, crunchy nuts, granola, chocolate chips, and other exciting ingredients. The goal is to achieve a thick and creamy texture, not a soupy or watery one.


There are countless options for smoothie bowls, both in terms of base ingredients and flavour or nutrition enhancements. Here’s a basic formula for creating a thick smoothie bowl:

  • 2 cups of frozen fruit (or a mix of frozen fruit and vegetables)
  • ¼ cup of liquid

Frozen Ingredients:

  • Frozen fruits: Bananas, mangoes, peaches, and berries are excellent choices for frozen fruits.
  • Frozen vegetables: To reduce sugar content and add bulk and creaminess, consider incorporating neutral-tasting vegetables like zucchini or cauliflower. Frozen cauliflower is particularly effective. Frozen avocado chunks are also a great option.

Liquid Base:

  • Choose a liquid that complements the flavours of your smoothie. Options include dairy or plant milk (almond milk, oat milk, coconut milk), coconut water, fruit juice, or plain water. For a creamier texture, opt for milk.

Flavour/Nutrition Enhancements:

  • Creamy ingredients: Avocado, plain Greek yoghurt, or Icelandic skyr can add thickness and healthy fats.
  • Extra nutrition: Nut butter, oats, acai, and protein powder can provide additional nutrients and flavour.
  • Sweeteners and flavour enhancers: Honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, liquid stevia, vanilla extract, cinnamon, cocoa powder, or raw cacao powder can be used to sweeten and flavour your smoothie bowl.

How to make a thick smoothie bowl |

How to Make a Super Thick Smoothie Bowl

  1. Measure your ingredients: Gather all your ingredients, including toppings, before starting.
  2. Start with liquid: Pour ¼ to ⅓ cup of liquid into the blender jug.
  3. Add frozen fruit and flavour enhancers: You can add a liquid sweetener later if needed.
  4. Blend on low speed, then increase as you go: Use a spatula to scrape the sides and move the frozen ingredients around if necessary.
  5. Achieve a super smooth consistency: Stop blending once the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  6. Add toppings and enjoy!

Smoothie Bowl Topping Ideas

  • Sliced fresh fruit (banana, berries, mango, kiwi)
  • Chocolate chips or cacao nibs
  • Unsweetened or toasted coconut flakes
  • Chopped nuts
  • Seeds (hemp seeds, pepitas, chia seeds)
  • Nut butters
  • Hard chocolate shell

More Tips for Thick Smoothie Bowls

  • Stick to frozen fruit: Fresh fruits can make the smoothie too watery.
  • Don’t add too much liquid: Start with a small amount and add more as needed.
  • Use a powerful blender: A high-speed blender is ideal for cutting through ice.
  • Be patient: If the blender stalls, scrape the sides and restart.
  • Don’t overprocess: Avoid over-blending to maintain a thick consistency.
  • Add at least one creamy ingredient: Avocado, mango, peach, or frozen coconut milk can add thickness and creaminess.
  • Try frozen veggies: Zucchini or cauliflower can act as a thickening agent.

By following these tips and experimenting with different ingredients, you can create delicious and nutritious smoothie bowls that are thick, creamy, and perfect for any occasion.

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8 Health Benefits Of Ginger Tea You Didn’t Know



Ginger Tea Benefits |

Whether you’re seeking relief from nausea or pain, this soothing beverage may be beneficial. Ginger tea, used for centuries to treat various ailments, adds a unique flavour to food. Originating in Asia, ginger belongs to the Zingiberaceae plant family and is typically consumed in the form of its edible root or stem.

Ginger is an ancient herbal remedy known for its potential benefits in treating a variety of ailments, including arthritis, diabetes, coughs, colds, and nausea. It’s a versatile ingredient consumed in various forms in folk medicine, with ginger tea being a popular choice. You can easily prepare ginger tea by boiling the peeled root in water or milk.

In this article, we will explore the health benefits of drinking ginger tea. Additionally, it provides a simple recipe for you to follow and make your own ginger tea at home.

Ginger is a widely used ingredient globally, both as a spice and medicinal plant. In traditional medicine, it’s often used to treat coughs, the flu, and other ailments. Ginger is available in various forms, including fresh, pickled, powdered, dried, candied, preserved, and crystallized. You can also find ginger in capsules, tinctures, extracts, tablets, and tea.

Ginger tea is made by boiling the peeled ginger root in water or milk. The oils and compounds that give ginger its unique aroma and spicy flavour make up about 1-4% of the ginger root.

Gingerols and shogaols are two of the main bioactive components in ginger, responsible for most of its health benefits. Let’s explore some of the potential benefits of ginger tea you probably didn’t know.

8 Surprising Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

1. It’s an Anti-Inflammatory

Ginger, a superfood like turmeric and cardamom, contains gingerol, a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Anti-inflammatories help curb an overactive immune system.

Inflammation is a natural response to injury or illness, signalling white blood cells to heal. However, excessive inflammation is linked to diseases like celiac and fibromyalgia. Antioxidants, like those found in leafy greens, blueberries, and ginger, help reduce inflammation throughout the body.

2. It Relieves Muscle Pain

Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties make it effective for relieving muscle and joint pain, including arthritis. A study found that athletes who took ginger supplements experienced reduced muscle pain after exercise. While foam rollers are helpful, consider adding ginger to your post-workout meal to ease sore muscles.

3. It Settles the Stomach

Ginger is known to soothe upset stomachs and curb nausea. It’s also a great drink after a heavy meal. A cup of ginger tea can help your stomach empty faster, preventing bloating and gas.

4. It Can Help Regulate Blood Sugar

Ginger’s most surprising health benefit is its ability to regulate blood sugar. This minimizes the negative symptoms of high blood sugar, which can lead to serious health problems like diabetes. Ginger supplementation can reduce fasting blood sugar and promote healthy blood sugar levels.

Ginger Tea Health Benefits |

5. It Helps Prevent Heart Disease

Ginger can reduce lipoproteins, a major risk factor for heart disease. Combining ginger with Omega-3-rich salmon in a veggie stir-fry can promote heart health, thanks to the antioxidants in ginger and greens and the fatty acids in salmon.

6. It Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

Ginger helps regulate insulin and metabolism, reducing the overall risk of diabetes. While ginger-flavoured snacks can be enjoyable, keeping dried and fresh ginger on hand for flavouring smoothies, stir-fries, and soups is important. The drying process enhances some beneficial compounds in ginger.

7. It Eases Menstrual Pain

Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties can alleviate menstrual cramps, making it as effective as ibuprofen, according to a 2009 study. This is great news for women who experience severe period pain. A cup of ginger tea can provide relief.

8. It Fights Infections

Ginger’s powerful anti-fungal and antimicrobial compounds can help combat colds and infections. For a cold-fighting boost, try mixing hot water with grated ginger, lemon juice, and honey, or ginger to chicken soup.

How to Make Ginger Tea at Home

Here’s a simple recipe for making your own ginger tea:


  • 4-6 thin slices of peeled, raw ginger (for stronger tea, add more slices)
  • 2 cups (473 mL) water
  • Juice from half a lime or lemon
  • Honey or another sweetener, to taste (optional)

Instructions for Water-Based Ginger Tea:

  1. Wash and scrub the ginger root.
  2. Peel the ginger and slice it thinly.
  3. Fill a medium pot with 2 cups of water.
  4. Add the ginger slices to the water and bring it to a boil.
  5. Reduce heat and simmer for 10-20 minutes. Simmer longer for spicier tea.
  6. Remove from heat.
  7. Add lime or lemon juice and honey to taste, if desired.
  8. Serve in your favourite mug.

Instructions for Milk-Based Ginger Tea:

  1. Boil ginger root slices in 1 cup (237 mL) of water for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat and add 2 cups (473 mL) of milk.
  3. Return the pot to the stove and gently simmer the milk and ginger for 5 minutes.
  4. Serve in your favourite mugs.

For more articles, visit here.

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How To Make Soy Milk At Home



Homemade Soy Milk Recipe |

Learn how to make soy milk in your kitchen with our comprehensive guide to this plant-based beverage. In this post, we’ll explore the numerous health benefits of homemade soy milk. Also, we will provide detailed instructions on how to make soy milk using simple ingredients and creative ways to customize its flavour.

Whether you’re new to plant-based milk or an experienced vegan cook looking to learn how to make soy milk from scratch, this guide offers everything you need to get started.

Throughout this post, you’ll learn:

  • The nutritional profile of freshly made soy milk
  • A step-by-step recipe for homemade soy milk
  • Creative flavour variations to enhance your soy milk
  • Tips for storage and best practices
Soy milk in a glass with soy beans behind

Soy milk has in the last ten years, established itself as a leading dairy-free alternative in the competitive plant-based milk market.

Health-conscious consumers increasingly choose soy milk for its exceptional nutritional profile, particularly its protein content, which rivals cow’s milk.

Unlike many other dairy alternatives that fall short nutritionally, soy milk delivers comparable—and in many cases superior—health benefits to traditional dairy milk.

What are the key advantages of soy milk?

1. It matches cow’s milk protein levels gram for gram.
2. It provides essential nutrients without lactose.
3. It offers a complete protein source for vegetarians and vegans.
4. It contains fewer calories than whole milk.
5. It delivers heart-healthy fats instead of saturated fat.

As more people seek out lactose-free options, this beverage stands out for its:

  • Versatility in cooking and baking
  • Creamy texture similar to dairy milk
  • Wide availability in stores and coffee shops
  • Variety of flavours and formulations

In the following sections, we’ll explore the specific health advantages that have propelled soy milk from a niche product to a mainstream beverage choice, backed by scientific research and nutritional data.

What is soy milk, and why make it at home?

When making soy milk, you blend soaked soybeans with water, creating a smooth, creamy liquid. As you blend, the insoluble fibre separates, leaving behind silky milk.

Many store-bought soy milks contain additives like preservatives and thickeners that can disrupt digestion, especially if consumed frequently.

By preparing soy milk at home, you control the ingredients, avoiding unnecessary additives and ensuring the milk remains pure and healthy for your gut.

Making soy milk at home can be significantly more cost-effective than purchasing store-bought options, especially when buying soybeans in bulk.

You can also boost the nutritional value of your homemade milk by mixing in vegan collagen powder. For those who consume animal products, adding bone broth can provide further benefits to gut health.

Benefits of Soy Milk

Soy milk offers several advantages over dairy milk. While a serving of whole cow’s milk may contain 12g of carbohydrates, 8g of sugars, 8g of protein, and 8g of fat, unsweetened soy milk provides 4g of carbs, 1g of sugars, 4g of fat, and 7g of protein. Additionally, soy milk has fewer calories than whole milk and is comparable to 1% milk in terms of calories.

Soy milk is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. It also offers a balanced ratio of carbohydrates and fats, making it a nutritious choice. As a plant-based milk, soy milk is naturally low in saturated fat and cholesterol-free, which benefits heart health and weight management.

For individuals with lactose intolerance, soy milk is a suitable alternative due to its lactose-free nature. Homemade soy milk is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A and potassium.

Soy milk contains isoflavones, which have been shown to have antioxidant properties. These isoflavones may help reduce inflammation and even lower the risk of certain diseases and cancers.

Also, some research suggests that consuming soy protein daily can contribute to a reduction in harmful LDL cholesterol levels.

Soy Milk Recipe

This homemade recipe is a simple, cost-effective, and healthy lactose-free alternative that’s rich in protein. It’s perfect for vegans and those seeking dairy-free options.


  • Nut milk bag
  • Large glass bottle


  • 1 cup soybeans
  • 8 cups filtered water

This easy recipe offers nutritious plant-based milk with a variety of health benefits.

How To Make Soy Milk

1. Start by soaking the soybeans in water for at least 6 hours, or overnight. If you have trouble digesting beans, add a splash of apple cider vinegar during the soak to reduce phytic acid.

2. After soaking, peel the beans for smoother soy milk. This step is optional but quick and easy.

3. Add the soaked beans to a high-speed blender and blend for 10-15 seconds to break them down slightly. Then, add water and blend until smooth and creamy.

4. Strain the blended mixture through a nut milk bag or cheesecloth into a large pot. This step ensures no bean bits burn during cooking.

5. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and boil over medium heat, stirring regularly. Once boiling, cook for 3-4 minutes, skimming off any foam that forms on top.

6. Reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.

7. Turn off the heat and let the milk cool slightly. Then, strain the mixture through a nut milk bag to remove any remaining solids.

8. Transfer the soy milk to a bottle and store it in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. If it begins to smell or taste sour, it’s time to discard it.

9. You can freeze soy milk for 3-6 months, but note that freezing might affect the texture, not the nutritional content.

Making homemade soy milk allows you to control the ingredients and avoid unnecessary additives. With these simple steps, healthy plant-based milk will be ready for use.

Homemade Soy Milk Recipe Variations

While some prefer to keep dairy-free recipes simple, plain soy milk may not suit everyone’s taste. To enhance your flavour, you can experiment with various sweeteners and additives.

Use dates or maple syrup instead of refined sugar for natural sweetness. You can also incorporate spices or add-ins like homemade vanilla extract, cinnamon, or cacao powder.

For more articles on drinks, check here.

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5 Beverages That Can Be Substituted For Smoothies In Nigeria



Beverages Substituted For Smoothies In Nigeria |

In recent years, smoothies have become increasingly popular in Nigeria, known for their refreshing taste and health benefits. However, they can often be expensive and time-consuming to prepare. If you’re seeking alternatives that offer the same nutritional value and convenience, you’re in the right place. Fortunately, several beverages in Nigeria are easy to make, affordable, and just as delicious.

Below are five beverages in Nigeria that can serve as excellent substitutes for smoothies.

1. Zobo (Hibiscus Tea)

Zobo: Beverages Substituted For Smoothies In Nigeria |

Zobo, made from hibiscus petals, is a well-loved Nigerian drink. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals and has a tangy, slightly sour taste. Often, people add ginger, pineapple, or cloves to enhance the flavour, making it not only tasty but nutritious as well.

Zobo packs a powerful punch of antioxidants, including Vitamin C, which boosts your immune system. The drink actively lowers blood pressure and supports heart health, benefiting many who consume it regularly.

Just like smoothies, you can customize Zobo by adding different fruits or spices for extra flavour and nutrients. It’s a great option if you want a refreshing and healthy beverage that’s easy to prepare in bulk.

How to Make It

1. Boil hibiscus petals in water.
2. Add ginger, cloves, or other spices for flavour.
3. Sweeten with sugar or honey.
4. Strain and refrigerate.

Zobo is versatile, budget-friendly, and can be served chilled or hot. Whether you’re at home or on the go, it’s a perfect substitute for smoothies.

2. Kunu

Kunu is a traditional Nigerian beverage made from grains like millet or sorghum. It’s popular in Northern Nigeria but is enjoyed throughout the country. Depending on the region, people might add spices like ginger and cloves to give it a spicy kick.

Kunu is a rich source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. It provides a good amount of energy due to its high carbohydrate content, making it a great option for a quick pick-me-up. It can be made in batches and stored for a few days with convenience.

How to Make It

1. Soak millet or sorghum overnight.
2. Blend with spices like ginger and cloves.
3. Strain the mixture and refrigerate.

Kunu is smooth, refreshing, and nutritious. It’s an excellent alternative for those who want a beverage with a creamy texture similar to smoothies.

3. Tigernut Milk (Kunun Aya)

Tigernut: Beverages Substituted For Smoothies In Nigeria |

Tigernut milk, also known as Kunun Aya, is made from tigernuts, small tubers rich in fibre and nutrients. This drink has been enjoyed for centuries in Nigeria, especially for its creamy texture and natural sweetness.

Tigernut milk is rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, making it an excellent source of energy. It’s also dairy-free, making it a great option for those who are lactose intolerant. You can add other ingredients such as dates or coconut for extra flavour and nutrients.

How to Make It

1. Soak tiger nuts overnight.
2. Blend with water, dates, or coconut.
3. Strain and serve chilled.

Tigernut milk is a smooth, creamy, and nutrient-dense alternative to smoothies. Its sweet flavour makes it a delicious and satisfying beverage.

4. Soya Milk

Soya milk is a plant-based drink made from soybeans. It has gained popularity in Nigeria due to its health benefits and is a great alternative to dairy milk.

Soya milk is high in protein, making it an excellent drink for those who need a protein boost. It also contains essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.

Soya milk can be consumed on its own or blended with fruits, just like smoothies. It’s perfect for people looking for a lighter, high-protein alternative to smoothies.

How to Make It

1. Soak soybeans overnight.
2. Blend with water.
3. Strain and boil to remove the raw taste.

You can easily sweeten or flavour soya milk with vanilla or cocoa to create a richer taste. Its creamy texture and high protein content make it a perfect smoothie substitute.

5. Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea: Beverages Substituted For Smoothies In Nigeria |

Ginger tea is a simple and refreshing beverage made from fresh ginger root. It’s widely consumed in Nigeria for its health benefits and warming properties.

Ginger tea boosts the immune system effectively. It improves digestion for many people. The beverage also reduces inflammation in the body. Drinkers often experience these health benefits after regular consumption.

Also, it is a fantastic drink for those who prefer something warm and soothing instead of a cold smoothie. You can add lemon, honey, or mint to give it more flavour and nutrients, making it just as customizable as smoothies.

How to Make It

1. Boil fresh ginger slices in water.
2. Add honey, lemon, or mint to taste.
3. Strain and serve hot or chilled.

Ginger tea is easy to prepare and provides numerous health benefits. People seeking a simple, warm beverage can easily adjust this great option to suit their individual tastes.

Exploring Alternative Beverages in Nigeria

Smoothies are fantastic, but sometimes you need quicker, more affordable options or simply a change in flavour. The beverages in Nigeria mentioned above—Zobo, Kunu, Tigernut Milk, Soya Milk, and Ginger Tea—bring a variety of tastes, textures, and nutritional benefits that make them excellent substitutes for smoothies.

No matter what you’re craving; maybe something creamy, refreshing, or warming, these beverages in Nigeria offer an exciting range of flavours with the same health benefits you’d expect from smoothies.

Incorporating these beverages into your daily routine allows you to enjoy the same refreshing, nutritious advantages while in Nigeria, but with a fresh twist. Whether you need to stay hydrated, boost your energy, or improve digestion, these drinks are perfect for achieving your health goals.

The next time you’re in the mood for a smoothie but want to try something different, consider one of these fantastic Nigerian beverages!

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