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How Societal Expectations Affect Sexual Relationships



How Societal Expectations Affect Sexual Relationships |

Societal expectations play a significant role in shaping our understanding of sexual relationships. These expectations can come from various sources, including cultural norms, religious beliefs, media portrayals, and personal experiences.

While some expectations can be positive and promote healthy relationships, others can be harmful and negatively impact sexual experiences.

Cultural Norms and Expectations

Cultural norms and expectations can vary widely across different societies and communities. These norms can influence everything from when people are expected to have sex to the types of sexual relationships that are considered acceptable. For example, in some cultures, premarital sex is frowned upon, while in others, it is a normal part of life.

Cultural expectations can also affect gender roles and sexual expectations. In some cultures, men are expected to be assertive and dominant in sexual encounters, while women are expected to be passive and submissive. These stereotypes can create unrealistic expectations and lead to dissatisfaction in relationships.

Religious Beliefs and Expectations

Religious beliefs can also shape societal expectations about sexual relationships. Some religions have strict guidelines about sexual behaviour, such as prohibiting premarital sex or limiting the number of sexual partners.

These beliefs can influence individual attitudes towards sex and relationships, as well as the types of sexual relationships that are considered acceptable within a particular religious community.

Media Portrayals and Expectations

Television shows, movies, and advertisements often portray unrealistic and idealized images of sex and sexuality. These portrayals can create unrealistic expectations and lead to dissatisfaction with one’s own sexual experiences.

For example, many media portrayals of sex emphasize physical attractiveness and sexual performance. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and shame for individuals who do not meet these idealized standards.

Additionally, media portrayals of sex often focus on heterosexual relationships, which can exclude and marginalize individuals who identify as LGBTQ+.

Personal Experiences and Expectations

Personal experiences can also shape our expectations about sex and relationships. Our own experiences with sex and relationships, as well as the experiences of others we know, can influence our beliefs about what is normal and acceptable.

For example, individuals who have had negative sexual experiences may develop negative attitudes towards sex and relationships. Conversely, individuals who have had positive sexual experiences may be more open and accepting of different types of sexual relationships.

The Impact of Societal Expectations on Sexual Relationships

Societal expectations can greatly impact sexual relationships in several ways. Some of the potential negative consequences of unrealistic expectations include:

  • Dissatisfaction and unhappiness: When individuals do not meet societal expectations, they may feel dissatisfied and unhappy with their sexual experiences.
  • Shame and guilt: Individuals who violate societal expectations may experience feelings of shame and guilt.
  • Relationship problems: Unrealistic expectations can lead to communication problems and conflict in relationships.
  • Sexual dysfunction: Unrealistic expectations can contribute to sexual dysfunction, such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

Promoting Healthy Sexual Relationships

To promote healthy sexual relationships, it is important to challenge and question societal expectations. We should strive to create a culture that is accepting and inclusive of all types of sexual relationships.

Here are some tips for promoting healthy sexual relationships:

  • Educate yourself about sex and sexuality.
  • Communicate openly and honestly with your partner.
  • Respect your partner’s boundaries.
  • Seek professional help if needed.

How do societal expectations affect sexual relationships?

Cultural norms can influence everything from when people are expected to have sex to the types of sexual relationships that are considered acceptable. These norms can vary widely across different societies and communities.

What is the role of media in shaping societal expectations about sexual relationships?

The media plays a significant role in shaping our understanding of sex and relationships. Television shows, movies, and advertisements often portray unrealistic and idealized images of sex and sexuality. These portrayals can create unrealistic expectations and lead to dissatisfaction with one’s own sexual experiences.

How can societal expectations negatively impact sexual relationships?

Unrealistic expectations can lead to dissatisfaction, shame, relationship problems, and sexual dysfunction.

If you would like to read more articles related to sex, visit here.


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15 Crazy Fertility Myths Debunked



Fertility Myths Debunked |

It’s understandable to have some preconceived notions about fertility and conception, given the prevalence of myths and superstitions in this area. However, it’s important to recognize that our knowledge may not always be as comprehensive as we think.

Many common myths about fertility are actually based on old wives’ tales or unfounded cultural traditions, rather than scientific evidence. These misconceptions can lead to unnecessary anxiety or the adoption of ineffective practices when trying to conceive.

It’s crucial to have a deeper understanding of the actual biological processes and factors that influence fertility. This knowledge can help individuals and couples make informed decisions and seek appropriate medical advice when needed. Relying solely on hearsay or unsubstantiated myths can hinder the path to fertility and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

By approaching the topic of fertility with an open and curious mindset, we can better separate fact from the myths. Seeking information from reliable, evidence-based sources can empower us to make well-informed choices and navigate the often complex journey of conception.

Understanding the realities of fertility can lead to more realistic expectations and a greater sense of control during this significant life experience.

What are some fertility myths that should be debunked?

1. Swallowing semen gives you a fertility boost.

False: The only way sperm aids fertility is when it’s inside the vaginal canal or fallopian tubes, making its way toward the egg. While semen does contain some protein, there are far more efficient and nutritious ways to meet your daily requirements than through oral sex.

Rest assured, engaging in oral sex, masturbation, or anything else that results in ejaculation won’t negatively affect a man’s sperm count. In fact, these activities are healthy during the conception process. For more on this topic, see myth number 17.

2. Having sex in the morning gives you a fertility boost.

False: The belief that a man produces more sperm overnight, making morning sex more effective for conception, is largely unfounded. While some studies suggest sperm count may be slightly higher in the morning, the difference is negligible.

It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg, and sperm counts generally range between 75 to 76 million. The most important factor is having intercourse during the fertile window, regardless of the time of day.

3. You should have sex every day to boost your fertility.

False: Conception can only occur during the 5-6 days of a woman’s fertile window, meaning the rest of the month is infertile. While having intercourse multiple times during the fertile window can increase your chances, having sex outside of this period won’t impact fertility.

If you’re in the mood for sex at other times, go for it—it can still help you bond with your partner, even if it doesn’t directly contribute to making a baby.

4. Hang upside down for 20 minutes after sex to help sperm reach your egg.

False: Sperm are highly efficient swimmers, chemically programmed to reach the egg without assistance. There’s no need to rely on gravity or awkward positions, such as raising your legs or doing a handstand, to help the sperm reach their destination.

Research hasn’t shown any benefit from these methods, and they’re likely to cause more discomfort than help in your journey to conceive.

5. Women in their twenties don’t have fertility issues.

False: Although fertility does decline with age, women in their twenties can still experience fertility problems. Many young women struggle with conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, fibroids, or other fertility-related issues.

Lifestyle factors such as weight, medications, and athletic training also play a role. Fertility issues aren’t limited to age, so it’s important to be sensitive to this reality.

6. Masturbation lowers a man’s fertility.

False: The idea that frequent masturbation drains a man’s sperm supply and reduces fertility is a long-standing myth. In reality, regular masturbation can help keep the male reproductive system functioning efficiently.

It removes older sperm and replaces them with newer, more viable sperm that may have better motility. This actually benefits fertility rather than harming it.

7. The size of a man’s penis or testicles affects how fertile he is.

False: This myth likely stems from societal pressures that equate larger genitalia with virility, masculinity, and fertility. However, penis size has no bearing on a man’s ability to conceive.

As long as he is healthy and can ejaculate, size doesn’t matter. Fertility depends on sperm quality, not physical attributes like penis size.

8. You can “sync” with other women’s cycles and get your period when they do, hurting your chance of getting pregnant.

False: The concept of menstrual synchrony, where women who spend a lot of time together get their periods at the same time, gained popularity after a 1971 study. However, more recent research has failed to support this theory.

Periods may overlap by chance, but there’s no need to worry that syncing cycles with other women will affect your ability to conceive.

9. You can conceive a boy or a girl by doing certain things.

False: There are numerous myths surrounding how to influence the sex of your baby, such as placing a wooden spoon and scissors under your bed for a girl or keeping your partner’s testicles warm for a boy. Others suggest that timing intercourse early in the fertile window leads to conceiving a boy, while later increases the chances for a girl.

Despite the many variations of these myths, none of them are backed by scientific evidence. Even popular methods like the Shettles and Whelan strategies contradict each other. Focus on conceiving a healthy baby, and the sex will reveal itself in time.

10. You need to have an orgasm to conceive.

False: While orgasms may help sperm reach the egg through uterine contractions, they’re not required for conception. If orgasms were essential for pregnancy, infertility rates would be significantly higher, given that many women don’t orgasm from intercourse alone.

11. Orgasms cause women to release eggs.

False: Ovulation is driven by the gradual buildup of estrogen over several days and isn’t triggered by orgasms. While orgasms release oxytocin, which can cause uterine contractions that may help pull sperm towards the egg, they do not influence the actual release of an egg.

12. You’ll have twins if you eat yams.

Unconfirmed, but probably false: This myth originated when researchers observed that twin births were four times more common in West Africa than in the rest of the world.

To find the cause, they examined the local diet, which consisted mainly of cassava plants, a type of yam. However, there has never been a conclusive link between a diet rich in yams and an increased chance of conceiving twins.

Given that yams are starchy and low in nutritional value, adopting a yam-based diet with the hope of having multiples isn’t recommended.

13. You can get pregnant during your period.

False, with a caveat: While it’s technically impossible to conceive during your period, sperm can survive in the vaginal tract for up to five days.

If you have sex towards the end of your period and ovulate shortly after, there’s a small chance of pregnancy. While it’s rare, the possibility exists due to sperm longevity.

14. Missionary position is the only way you can get pregnant.

False: This myth is likely related to misconceptions about gravity’s role in sperm movement. In reality, you can conceive in any position, including woman-on-top.

There’s no evidence that any one position is more effective than another when it comes to conception. Choose whatever position feels best for you.

15. Infertility is always the woman’s fault…or the man’s fault.

False: The causes of infertility are evenly divided between men and women. In about 40% of cases, infertility is due to issues with the woman, while another 40% are due to male factors.

The remaining 20% are unexplained. If you’re struggling to conceive, don’t rush to assign blame. Seeing a fertility specialist is the best way to determine the cause.

For more reads, check here.

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How To Overcome Sexual Dissatisfaction In A Relationship



Sexual Dissatisfaction: Causes & Solutions |

Do you go through sexual dissatisfaction? Or maybe you have, at one time, felt sexually unsatisfied? It’s a common experience for many couples. Various factors can contribute to this, including:

  • Stress and fatigue: The demands of daily life can leave couples feeling exhausted and less inclined to engage in sexual activity.
  • Communication issues: Difficulty in expressing needs and desires can lead to misunderstandings and dissatisfaction.
  • Relationship problems: Underlying issues such as conflict, resentment, or lack of intimacy can affect sexual desire.
  • Health concerns: Physical or mental health conditions can impact sexual function and enjoyment.

If you’re facing this challenge, don’t worry. It’s important to remember that many couples successfully overcome sexual dissatisfaction. Here are some steps you can take among numerous others:

  • Open communication: Talk openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings and concerns.
  • Seek professional help: A therapist can provide guidance and tools to address underlying issues.
  • Prioritize self-care: Make time for relaxation, exercise, and healthy habits to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
  • Explore new experiences: Try new things in the bedroom to reignite excitement and passion.

Note that it’s completely normal to experience ups and downs in your sex life. With open communication, understanding, and a willingness to work together, you can overcome challenges and strengthen your relationship.

Join me as we go further on this topic of sexual dissatisfaction below.

What is sexual dissatisfaction?

Many couples face the challenge of sexual dissatisfaction. This can stem from various factors, such as:

  • Relationship difficulties: Conflicts, resentment, or lack of intimacy can negatively impact sexual desire.
  • Anxiety and stress: Emotional distress can reduce interest in sex and make it difficult to relax and enjoy physical intimacy.
  • Lack of sexual activity: Infrequent or nonexistent sex can lead to boredom and dissatisfaction.

Sexual dissatisfaction means that you find sex unfulfilling or unpleasant with your current partner or in general. This is a significant issue because sex plays a vital role in most relationships.

Without a healthy and fulfilling sex life, couples may experience emotional distance, communication problems, and even relationship breakdown.

Is it normal to be sexually unsatisfied?

Sexual satisfaction is often considered a key component of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. It’s something that couples should strive to experience and enjoy together. However, for some, this is not always the case.

If you’re wondering whether it’s normal to feel sexually unsatisfied, the answer can depend on various factors. Consider these questions:

  • Is the issue with you or your partner? Are there specific concerns or preferences that aren’t being met?
  • Do you lack confidence or feel inadequate? Low self-esteem can affect sexual desire and enjoyment.
  • Is a lack of intimacy contributing to the problem? Emotional connection and closeness are essential for sexual satisfaction.
  • Are unrealistic expectations or miscommunication playing a role? Clear and open communication is crucial for understanding and addressing sexual needs.

If you’ve tried to address these issues on your own and are still struggling, seeking professional help can be beneficial. Also, understand that experiencing periods of sexual dissatisfaction is a common part of life. Many people go through these challenges at different points in their relationships.

What happens when you are sexually unsatisfied?

Sexual dissatisfaction is a common issue that affects many people. It can have a significant impact on various aspects of life, including:

  • Low self-esteem: Feeling unfulfilled sexually can erode self-confidence and self-worth.
  • Loneliness: Difficulty in connecting with others on a sexual level can lead to feelings of isolation.
  • Relationship problems: Sexual dissatisfaction can strain relationships, leading to conflict, resentment, and even breakups.
  • Sexual frustration: Unmet sexual needs can result in frustration, anxiety, and dissatisfaction.

While sexual dissatisfaction isn’t inherently a sex problem, it can certainly make sex less enjoyable. Some individuals may resort to unhealthy behaviours in an attempt to boost their self-esteem and improve their sexual satisfaction. These behaviours can include:

  • Binge eating: Emotional eating can be a coping mechanism for dealing with dissatisfaction.
  • Substance abuse: Using drugs or alcohol to numb feelings or escape problems.
  • Risky sexual behaviours: Engaging in unsafe or impulsive sexual activities.

Over time, these unhealthy behaviours can take a toll on physical, mental, and social well-being. Potential consequences include:

  • Depression: Emotional distress and low self-esteem can contribute to depression.
  • Weight gain: Unhealthy eating habits can lead to weight gain and other health problems.
  • Increased stress and anxiety: Chronic dissatisfaction and unhealthy coping mechanisms can exacerbate stress and anxiety.

It’s important to remember that there are many effective strategies to improve sexual satisfaction and overall well-being. Seeking professional help, practising self-care, and engaging in healthy communication with your partner are essential steps towards a more fulfilling life.”

How to Overcome Sexual Dissatisfaction in a Relationship

Not being sexually satisfied in a relationship can lead to its decline. So, how can you ensure sexual satisfaction in your relationship? Here are 5 ways to overcome sexual dissatisfaction and reignite the passion.

1. Talk to your partner about how you’re feeling.

Wondering how to tell your partner that you’re not sexually satisfied? Start by being open and honest about your feelings. Approach the conversation calmly and share your thoughts, allowing your partner to offer suggestions or ideas on how you can both improve your intimacy.

If you’re uncomfortable discussing this with your partner or feel unwanted sexually, confide in a trusted friend. They may be able to offer valuable insights and help you understand what might be going wrong. If you just need to vent, having someone listen could also relieve some of the stress you’re feeling.

2. Try some sex toys together.

Introducing sex toys into your relationship can be a great way to enhance your sex life. They add variety and excitement, helping you and your partner rediscover intimacy in new ways.

With so many options available, you’re bound to find something that suits your preferences. Explore different types together and see what works best before making a decision.

3. Schedule a date night with your partner.

Spending quality time together outside of daily routines can help rekindle the romance. Plan a date night or even a weekend getaway to reconnect and strengthen your bond.

Whether it’s a simple day at the movies or a romantic dinner, taking time to enjoy each other’s company can reignite the emotional and physical connection between you.

Experimenting with new positions, taking turns in pleasuring one another, or trying light bondage can also bring back the fun in your sexual relationship.

If you enjoy keeping things adventurous, consider adding a bit of BDSM play to your lovemaking. You may be pleasantly surprised by how it can reignite passion. If you’re looking for sex ideas, here are 8 kinky tricks to try.

5. Practice self-care.

Self-care is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being allows you to better support your partner. Focus on eating well, getting enough sleep, and finding ways to relax at the end of each day.

Stress from a lack of fulfilment in your relationship can contribute to issues like erectile dysfunction, so it’s important to make a conscious effort to keep stress levels down as much as possible.

How to make your sex life better in your relationship

Do you often find yourself thinking, “I’m sexually unsatisfied in my relationship?”

A healthy sex life is crucial for keeping partners connected. Here are some common sexual issues in marriage and specific solutions to help improve your sex life:


Why is communication so important? It’s because the strength of a relationship largely depends on it.

The impact of communication on a relationship cannot be overstated. It helps partners feel loved, cared for, and understood, which is essential when it comes to making love. If one partner doesn’t feel valued or cherished, they won’t be eager to engage in a satisfying sexual connection.

A loving, healthy relationship naturally leads to a fulfilling sex life. On the other hand, when sex feels like an obligation rather than an act of love, it leads to sexual dissatisfaction. Over time, this can create feelings of resentment toward your partner.


If you struggle with communication but want to improve, start small. Spend time together doing simple things, like watching a movie and discussing it afterwards. Share details about your day or involve your spouse in light, everyday conversations.

As this becomes a habit, you’ll find it easier to talk about deeper issues. This open communication will make your partner feel valued and loved, resulting in more meaningful and affectionate intimacy rather than sex that feels obligatory.

Busy schedule

Balancing work, home responsibilities, and children can be exhausting, leaving little energy for intimacy. Stress and tension from daily life often have a direct impact on sex drive. When the demands of life weigh heavily, the first thing to suffer is usually the sexual connection between partners.

Sex isn’t just a mechanical act; it’s the meeting of desires and passions. But it’s hard to feel passion when stress and fatigue are constantly in the background.

After a long day of cooking, cleaning, caring for children, and maintaining the household, sex may feel more like another task than a source of relaxation.


Reduce the burden by organizing and prioritizing your tasks. Don’t feel pressured to accomplish everything in a single day. By prioritizing what’s truly important, you’ll realize that some tasks can wait until tomorrow.

Reducing your workload will help you relax and create more space for intimacy. While keeping a tidy home is important, nurturing your sex life should take priority as well.

No spark

For couples who have been married for a long time, the spark can sometimes fade, and sex begins to feel more like a routine chore.

When there’s no passion or excitement, sex can lose its appeal and become something you do just because it’s expected. This lack of spark is a common issue in long-term marriages and can lead to frustration.

You need that sense of excitement, where both partners feel fully satisfied and connected. When sex becomes mundane, it’s easy to put it off, leading to a cycle of “let’s do it tomorrow”—but tomorrow might never come.


All you need is a bit of effort to reignite that spark. Try something new—whether it’s dressing up, playing sensual music, or lighting scented candles to set the mood.

Scented candles can create a romantic atmosphere and add an element of surprise that will captivate your partner. This change can make your sexual encounters more passionate and sensual than before. The thrill of doing something different will heighten your desires.

Another great way to bring back the excitement is by experimenting with different positions. This requires both communication and participation from both partners, but it leads to a more engaging and enjoyable experience—often with some laughs along the way.

In the end…

Sex is not a task or chore to be checked off just because you’re married. It’s a beautiful experience that, when done right, leads to deep satisfaction.

If you’re in an unsatisfying relationship, don’t let sexual dissatisfaction cause your marriage to unravel. Take charge and reignite the magic.

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