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Rainy season: How To Prevent Home Flooding



Rainy season: how to prevent home flooding |

The pitter-patter of rain announces the arrival of Nigeria’s rainy season. Daily showers and a welcome drop in temperature transform the hot, dry landscape. While many Nigerians relish cosy nights and a break from the scorching sun, the rainy season also ushers in the potential for heavy downpours and devastating floods.

Flooding is a major concern in Nigeria. A recent UNICEF report revealed that the catastrophic floods of late 2022 impacted 4.4 million people, with children making up a significant portion (2.6 million) of those affected. These floods can have a crippling effect. They can cause widespread property damage, displace families from their homes, and even lead to the loss of life.

The good news is that there are proactive measures we can take to mitigate flood risks in our homes and communities, even as the rainy season progresses. This article provides a helpful guide, focusing specifically on preventative actions for homes situated in high-risk flood zones. By implementing these tips, we can create a safer environment for ourselves and our loved ones during this crucial time.

1. Clear your drainage systems

Rainy Season: Drain and sewage cleaning service |

The rainy season brings heavy showers, and it’s important to keep your drainage system clear to avoid flooding. This means regularly cleaning your gutters, downspouts, and any drainage channels around your house.

During heavy rain, leaves, debris, and other materials can quickly clog these pathways, preventing water from flowing away from your home. If this happens, the water can overflow and cause flooding in your basement or crawl space.

To prevent clogs, it’s a good idea to clean your drainage system regularly. You can do this yourself or consider hiring a professional for a more thorough inspection. A professional can also check your underground drainage pipes for any problems. Blockages in these pipes can also cause flooding, as the water can’t flow through them properly.

Additionally, broken pipes can redirect the water flow, causing it to pool in unexpected places instead of draining away from your house. By keeping your drainage system clean and in good repair, you can significantly reduce your risk of flooding during the rainy season.

2. Repair leaks quickly

Rainy Season. Leaking roof |

Don’t let a leaky roof or pipes turn your cosy nights in the rainy season into a flood nightmare! Here’s how to stay ahead of the downpour:

  • Patch up roof leaks promptly: A cracked roof is an open invitation for water to pour into your home. During the rainy season, be on the lookout for any signs of leaks, like water stains or drips on your ceiling. For small cracks, a concrete patching paste can be a temporary fix.

  • Call in a pro for major leaks: If you suspect a bigger problem or the leak seems extensive, don’t hesitate to call a professional roofer. They can assess the damage and recommend the best course of action to prevent further water infiltration.

  • Keep an eye on your pipes: Regularly inspect your pipes for any signs of trouble. Look for bulging sections, visible water dripping, or rust. These are all red flags that a leak might be brewing.

  • Fix or replace leaky pipes ASAP: A tiny leak today can become a major flood tomorrow. If you spot a leak in a pipe, don’t delay! Address the issue as soon as possible. Depending on the severity, you might be able to fix the leak yourself, or it might require replacing the entire pipe. By taking swift action, you can prevent a small problem from escalating into a costly disaster.

3. Work with your community

Rainy season preparedness isn’t just about protecting your own home; it’s a team effort! Working with your community is crucial to preventing flooding. This is because:

  • Flooding is a community issue: Damaged public drainage systems can cause widespread flooding, even if your own home’s drainage is clear. Flooded streets can block access to your home and create hazardous conditions for everyone.

  • The power of community clean-up: organise clean-up days with your neighbours to clear debris and repair public drainage systems. This proactive approach can significantly reduce the risk of flooding in your entire neighbourhood.

  • Collective preparedness is key: Get together with your neighbours at least once a week to discuss flood prevention strategies. This could involve tasks like trimming overgrown trees and shrubs to minimise leaf and debris buildup in drains. Additionally, use these meetings to discuss other potential flood triggers in your community and brainstorm solutions to address them. By working together, your entire neighbourhood can be better prepared to handle the rainy season.

4. Dispose of waste properly

Rainy Season: People disposing of bottles |

Proper waste disposal at home is crucial during the rainy season to prevent flooding. Strong winds often precede heavy rains. These winds can easily rip open flimsy garbage bags or scatter loose trash from overflowing bins.

Once scattered, trash and debris can easily end up in gutters and drainage channels. This buildup can obstruct the flow of rainwater, causing water to back up and potentially flooding nearby areas.

To prevent this, it’s essential to dispose of your waste properly. Use sturdy garbage bags and secure them tightly before placing them in your bin. Ensure your bins have lids that close properly to prevent windblown trash. By taking these simple precautions, you can help keep your community safe from flooding during the rainy season.

5. Stay informed

Many Nigerians underestimate the importance of staying informed about the weather, especially during the rainy season.

Climate change can cause more intense rainfall patterns, leading to unexpected downpours and flash floods. By monitoring weather forecasts and flood warnings, you can be prepared for any sudden changes in weather conditions.

Staying informed about potential weather emergencies allows you to proactively protect yourself and your loved ones. This might involve preparing an emergency kit, stocking supplies, or having an evacuation plan.

Luckily, there are several ways to get the latest weather updates. You can:

  • Regularly check weather forecasts on TV, radio, or weather apps on your phone.
  • Sign up for emergency alerts. Many local authorities offer emergency alert systems that notify residents of potential weather hazards.
  • Follow NiMET on social media: The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMET) is a reliable source for weather updates. Following them on social media ensures that you receive real-time information about potential weather threats.

By staying informed and taking the necessary precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk during the rainy season.

Sometimes, despite all efforts to prevent it, water still manages to get into homes. When this happens, it’s important to protect your appliances and electronics by keeping them off the floor by at least a few inches. This also applies to important documents and valuable items, which should be stored safely above ground level.

Floods are a frightening natural disaster that can cause significant property damage, economic hardship, and even the loss of life. While the government in Nigeria works to prevent flooding, individuals also need to take steps to protect their surroundings.

During the rainy season, avoid habits that harm the environment. Keep your gutters clean, clear your drainage system regularly, and manage your waste properly. By doing these things, we can help ensure a safer rainy season in Nigeria.

If you enjoyed reading this article, visit here for more.


5 Truths That Can Save Your Love Life



Truths That Can Save Your Love Life |

Wanna the truths that can save your love life? Listen up, my people! Over the years, there have been all sorts of love issues. Trust me, it’s not been small at all.

From people getting ghosted like they’re invisible, to those dealing with partners who aren’t serious, to the headache of deciding whether to leave a relationship that’s just okay but not quite right.

Finding love? Abeg, it can be messier than Oshodi traffic on a Monday morning!

Now, I can’t give you one simple formula or catchy phrase that’ll solve all your love problems like magic. But best believe, I’ve picked up some valuable lessons along the way that can save your love life.

I will drop five big truths about love and relationships that you need to hold tight. These truths, I’m telling you, can save your love life if you take them seriously. They’ll help you navigate this crazy love thing we’re all trying to figure out.

Remember, finding true love is a journey, not a quick trip to the corner store. So take it easy, learn as you go, and always believe that your own love story is coming. These truths will save your love life if you let them, so keep them close to your heart, okay? Let’s go!

1. Be open about who you meet, but very selective about who you invest in.

Many single people approach dating like this: they swipe through profiles, attend parties, and go to singles’ events. Meanwhile, there’s this constant “NO” voice in their heads, telling them why they shouldn’t talk to someone. The voice says things like:

“Is he really wearing those shorts with that shirt?”

“She reads that silly book?”

“His smile looks too cocky.”

“I don’t trust anyone who wears beanies. She must be one of those annoying hipsters.” And on and on it goes…

Now, we all have standards, and that’s perfectly fine. But maybe that voice—the one that’s always giving us reasons not to engage—doesn’t have our best interests at heart. Because when that voice keeps you from talking to people, you end up meeting hardly anyone at all.

In fact, you meet so few people that when you finally meet one person you like, your brain jumps into overdrive, shouting, “This is it! They’re perfect!” as if you’ve found some magical solution to everything. Never mind that this person might vanish for weeks, stop responding, and then suddenly pop up again with a half-hearted “Hey, you up?” (Yes, in this flimsy metaphor, people are like bananas).

The smart way to date is to reverse this mindset: be open to talking to different people, even if it’s just for a short while. But when it comes to investing your emotions, that’s where you should be extra selective.

2. Value character as much as you value chemistry.

Hollywood and romantic novels have conditioned us to believe that if love isn’t making your heart race and leaving you breathless at every encounter, then you’re not doing it right.

Now, I’m all for that intense, passion-filled excitement that comes with the honeymoon phase of a relationship. It’s thrilling, and we all enjoy those moments of pure chemistry. But too often, we let this intoxicating excitement overshadow the more important qualities of the person standing in front of us.

Do they keep their word and follow through on what they promise? Can they truly be loyal? Do they lift you up, encouraging you and making your life feel lighter? Or do they constantly complain and leave you out of their plans?

The sooner we recognize that character and chemistry deserve equal weight, the more fulfilled and content we’ll be in the relationships we choose to build.

3. If it’s a choice between being respected and being liked, choose being respected.

Of course, you can achieve both—you can be respected and liked at the same time. But there are moments when you face a choice: do you give in to your people-pleasing tendencies and say what the other person wants to hear? Or do you stand your ground, respect yourself, and express your true needs or opinions, even if it might rub them the wrong way at that moment?

It could be setting a boundary, asking them to take the initiative and plan the next date, calling someone out on their bad behaviour, or simply ensuring that your other priorities in life stay balanced.

Whatever the situation, if you handle it with honesty and thoughtfulness, both your sense of self-worth and the way others value you will grow.

4. Disinterest is a turn-off. When someone gives you less, you should be less interested.

We’re often told that great love must come with challenges. And yes, challenges can be exciting if they come from someone who pushes us to become better versions of ourselves. But when someone is showing clear disinterest or outright ignoring you, that should always be a red flag, not something you chase after.

If there’s one lesson that could save countless people from wasting time longing for the wrong person, it’s this: someone not wanting you should instantly make you lose interest.

Why? Because, no matter how amazing this person seems on paper, they simply cannot meet your needs. They’ve failed one of the most basic requirements of loving you: the desire to be present and show it.

Start valuing how someone treats you just as much as you value chemistry and connection, and you’ll find that dating becomes a lot less complicated.

5. Choose a partner you can have a 50+ year conversation with.

Credit goes to writer David Brooks who once said, “Marriage is a 50-year conversation.”

When you truly understand the depth of that statement, it changes how you choose who to spend your life with. You begin to see the mistake of picking someone based purely on their status, looks, job, or seemingly glamorous lifestyle.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t want a partner who brings you joy in various ways, but it’s a reminder that beyond the Instagram-perfect moments of trips to Dubai and ice cream on the beach, there’s the real, everyday life you’ll share.

The dinner table conversations. Relaxing together after a long day. Taking a lazy Sunday stroll. Long car rides. Raising children. Spending time with each other’s family and friends.

So, the real question becomes: Can I spend “that” much time with this person? Am I in love with their soul? Do I enjoy hearing their thoughts? Can they connect with my mind? Do they understand me and make me feel at home?

Start with those questions, and you’ll find it much harder to make the wrong choice.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to explore more about love and relationships, visit this page.

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5 Beverages That Can Be Substituted For Smoothies In Nigeria



Beverages Substituted For Smoothies In Nigeria |

In recent years, smoothies have become increasingly popular in Nigeria, known for their refreshing taste and health benefits. However, they can often be expensive and time-consuming to prepare. If you’re seeking alternatives that offer the same nutritional value and convenience, you’re in the right place. Fortunately, several beverages in Nigeria are easy to make, affordable, and just as delicious.

Below are five beverages in Nigeria that can serve as excellent substitutes for smoothies.

1. Zobo (Hibiscus Tea)

Zobo: Beverages Substituted For Smoothies In Nigeria |

Zobo, made from hibiscus petals, is a well-loved Nigerian drink. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals and has a tangy, slightly sour taste. Often, people add ginger, pineapple, or cloves to enhance the flavour, making it not only tasty but nutritious as well.

Zobo packs a powerful punch of antioxidants, including Vitamin C, which boosts your immune system. The drink actively lowers blood pressure and supports heart health, benefiting many who consume it regularly.

Just like smoothies, you can customize Zobo by adding different fruits or spices for extra flavour and nutrients. It’s a great option if you want a refreshing and healthy beverage that’s easy to prepare in bulk.

How to Make It

1. Boil hibiscus petals in water.
2. Add ginger, cloves, or other spices for flavour.
3. Sweeten with sugar or honey.
4. Strain and refrigerate.

Zobo is versatile, budget-friendly, and can be served chilled or hot. Whether you’re at home or on the go, it’s a perfect substitute for smoothies.

2. Kunu

Kunu is a traditional Nigerian beverage made from grains like millet or sorghum. It’s popular in Northern Nigeria but is enjoyed throughout the country. Depending on the region, people might add spices like ginger and cloves to give it a spicy kick.

Kunu is a rich source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. It provides a good amount of energy due to its high carbohydrate content, making it a great option for a quick pick-me-up. It can be made in batches and stored for a few days with convenience.

How to Make It

1. Soak millet or sorghum overnight.
2. Blend with spices like ginger and cloves.
3. Strain the mixture and refrigerate.

Kunu is smooth, refreshing, and nutritious. It’s an excellent alternative for those who want a beverage with a creamy texture similar to smoothies.

3. Tigernut Milk (Kunun Aya)

Tigernut: Beverages Substituted For Smoothies In Nigeria |

Tigernut milk, also known as Kunun Aya, is made from tigernuts, small tubers rich in fibre and nutrients. This drink has been enjoyed for centuries in Nigeria, especially for its creamy texture and natural sweetness.

Tigernut milk is rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, making it an excellent source of energy. It’s also dairy-free, making it a great option for those who are lactose intolerant. You can add other ingredients such as dates or coconut for extra flavour and nutrients.

How to Make It

1. Soak tiger nuts overnight.
2. Blend with water, dates, or coconut.
3. Strain and serve chilled.

Tigernut milk is a smooth, creamy, and nutrient-dense alternative to smoothies. Its sweet flavour makes it a delicious and satisfying beverage.

4. Soya Milk

Soya milk is a plant-based drink made from soybeans. It has gained popularity in Nigeria due to its health benefits and is a great alternative to dairy milk.

Soya milk is high in protein, making it an excellent drink for those who need a protein boost. It also contains essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.

Soya milk can be consumed on its own or blended with fruits, just like smoothies. It’s perfect for people looking for a lighter, high-protein alternative to smoothies.

How to Make It

1. Soak soybeans overnight.
2. Blend with water.
3. Strain and boil to remove the raw taste.

You can easily sweeten or flavour soya milk with vanilla or cocoa to create a richer taste. Its creamy texture and high protein content make it a perfect smoothie substitute.

5. Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea: Beverages Substituted For Smoothies In Nigeria |

Ginger tea is a simple and refreshing beverage made from fresh ginger root. It’s widely consumed in Nigeria for its health benefits and warming properties.

Ginger tea boosts the immune system effectively. It improves digestion for many people. The beverage also reduces inflammation in the body. Drinkers often experience these health benefits after regular consumption.

Also, it is a fantastic drink for those who prefer something warm and soothing instead of a cold smoothie. You can add lemon, honey, or mint to give it more flavour and nutrients, making it just as customizable as smoothies.

How to Make It

1. Boil fresh ginger slices in water.
2. Add honey, lemon, or mint to taste.
3. Strain and serve hot or chilled.

Ginger tea is easy to prepare and provides numerous health benefits. People seeking a simple, warm beverage can easily adjust this great option to suit their individual tastes.

Exploring Alternative Beverages in Nigeria

Smoothies are fantastic, but sometimes you need quicker, more affordable options or simply a change in flavour. The beverages in Nigeria mentioned above—Zobo, Kunu, Tigernut Milk, Soya Milk, and Ginger Tea—bring a variety of tastes, textures, and nutritional benefits that make them excellent substitutes for smoothies.

No matter what you’re craving; maybe something creamy, refreshing, or warming, these beverages in Nigeria offer an exciting range of flavours with the same health benefits you’d expect from smoothies.

Incorporating these beverages into your daily routine allows you to enjoy the same refreshing, nutritious advantages while in Nigeria, but with a fresh twist. Whether you need to stay hydrated, boost your energy, or improve digestion, these drinks are perfect for achieving your health goals.

The next time you’re in the mood for a smoothie but want to try something different, consider one of these fantastic Nigerian beverages!

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12 Healthy Ways To Gain Weight Naturally



Healthy Ways To Gain Weight |
In Nigeria, many people focus on weight loss, but gaining weight can be just as challenging for some individuals. Whether it’s due to genetics, fast metabolism, or medical reasons, being underweight can lead to various health concerns. The good news is that there are healthy ways to gain weight, and by making simple yet effective changes, you can reach your ideal body weight safely.

If you’re underweight, you may not be getting all the nutrients your body needs. This can lead to issues like a weakened immune system, frequent illnesses, and even bone fractures.

Below are steps you can take to gain weight in healthy ways that are beneficial for your body and long-term health.

1. Determine If You’re Underweight

The first step in your weight gain journey is to find out if you’re truly underweight. To do this, calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is a tool that uses your height, weight, and age to determine if your weight is healthy. If your BMI falls below 18.5, it’s considered underweight.

You can use an online BMI calculator for quick results but don’t forget to speak to your doctor about what your healthy weight should be and how to achieve it. Healthy ways to gain weight should always be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

2. Eat More Often

One of the best healthy ways to gain weight is by eating more frequently. Instead of the usual three meals, aim for five or six smaller ones throughout the day.

This strategy helps you take in more calories, especially if you struggle with a low appetite or feel full too quickly. By spreading your meals out, you increase your calorie intake without overwhelming your stomach.

3. Drink Your Calories

Another healthy way to gain weight is by choosing calorie-rich beverages over diet sodas or plain tea. Opt for milk, fresh juice, or a smoothie made with full-fat dairy and fruits like bananas or mangoes.

These drinks not only provide additional calories but also deliver essential nutrients that your body needs. Swapping your drinks can make a big difference in your weight gain journey.

4. Avoid Junk Food

Although it might be tempting to indulge in junk food to gain weight, this is not a healthy option. Junk food contains “empty” calories, high amounts of salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats that can lead to long-term health issues.

Instead, focus on healthy ways to gain weight by eating nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy products. These will help you gain weight in a way that supports your overall well-being.

5. Choose the Right Healthy Foods

Not all fruits and vegetables are low in calories. Some, like mangoes and avocados, are calorie-dense and ideal for those seeking healthy ways to gain weight.

Similarly, starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn provide energy and nutrients. Fatty fish like salmon is also a fantastic source of protein and healthy fats, making it a great addition to your meals.

6. Add More to Your Soups

If you enjoy soups, you’re in luck. You can turn your soups into calorie-rich meals by adding toppings such as bacon bits, sour cream, cheese, and even powdered milk.

This simple change can provide more calories per serving and is one of the healthy ways to gain weight without sacrificing taste.

7. Dress Up Your Salads

Salads don’t have to be low-calorie meals. You can boost their nutritional value and calories by adding healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds.

Including ingredients such as cheese or fruits like apples and pears can also healthily increase the calories. Remember, healthy ways to gain weight don’t mean you have to eliminate nutritious foods like salads from your diet.

8. Add Cheese to Your Meals

Cheese is rich in calories and nutrients, making it a great addition to burgers, sandwiches, and even salads. It’s a delicious way to gain weight, but be mindful of the saturated fats. Moderation is key when incorporating cheese into your diet for healthy ways to gain weight.

9. Snack on Nuts and Seeds

Nuts, seeds, and nut butter are high in calories and packed with essential nutrients. If you’re looking for healthy ways to gain weight, try snacking on almonds, walnuts, or peanut butter.

These can be eaten on their own or paired with fruits or vegetables like celery sticks for an extra calorie boost.

10. Track Your Food Intake

Maintaining a food journal can help you monitor your progress and ensure that you’re eating enough calories. By tracking what you eat daily, you can identify areas where you need to add more calories.

A food diary is a helpful tool for finding healthy ways to gain weight, especially if you struggle with consistency.

11. Time Your Drinks

Drinking water or other liquids before meals can make you feel full faster, which might reduce your calorie intake. To avoid this, sip on calorie-dense beverages like milk during meals or wait until after you’ve finished eating. This strategy is one of the practical healthy ways to gain weight.

12. Exercise to Build Muscle

Incorporating strength-building exercises like yoga, weight lifting, and push-ups into your routine can help you gain muscle mass. Though exercise burns calories, it also increases your appetite, helping you consume more food.

Always consult with a doctor or fitness expert to find healthy ways to gain weight through exercise that suits your body’s needs.

13. Indulge Occasionally

While you should prioritize nutrient-rich foods, there’s no harm in indulging in cakes, cookies, or pies once in a while. Just be cautious not to overdo it.

When looking for healthy ways to gain weight, remember you can also satisfy your sweet tooth with nutritious options like yoghurt, granola, and fruits.

14. Know Your Fats

Not all fats are bad for you. Consuming healthy fats is one of the most healthy ways to gain weight. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats found in salmon, avocados, and nuts can provide the calories and nutrients you need to gain weight. Avoid trans fats, though, as they are harmful to heart health.

By following these tips, you can find healthy ways to gain weight that suit your lifestyle and nutritional needs. Prioritizing your health while working towards your weight goals ensures that you’re building a strong, well-nourished body.

For more healthy tips, check here.

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