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3 Reasons A Woman Doesn’t Get Wet In Bed



Vaginal Dryness: reasons for vaginal dryness during sex |

Vaginal dryness is a common issue many women face during sex, and it can significantly impact intimacy. Unlike what some sources might say, lubrication isn’t solely dependent on being “wet” right before sex. It’s a natural process that unfolds with arousal. However, when vaginal dryness occurs, it can lead to discomfort or even pain. This makes sex unpleasant for both partners.

The reasons behind vaginal dryness are varied. It goes from hormonal changes, stress, certain medications, or underlying health conditions. If you’re experiencing dryness, the first step is to identify the potential cause.

Talking openly and honestly with your partner is key. You can explore different approaches to increasing lubrication, like using lubricants or engaging in foreplay that allows for natural lubrication to develop.

See the different reasons for vaginal dryness below.

1. Absence of or no foreplay

Engaging in foreplay is a way to help a woman become aroused before sex. If she finds it difficult to get aroused, you can touch the sensitive parts of her body, kiss deeply, and spend a lot of time on foreplay. This will help her body become more responsive to yours.

2. Stress

Stress can make it difficult for a woman to be wet and ready for sex. It can get her totally out of the mood, especially if she is also unhappy about something. This can make her upset and unsettling. You must help her relax and ease off before initiating the act.

3. Side effects of medication

Some medications have side effects such as hormonal changes and imbalance, dizziness, and fatigue, which can make a woman not ready for the sex act. Her hormones might be up against her desire to have sex so may not get wet.

Furthermore, a satisfying sexual life is built on mutual enjoyment and open communication. By working together to address dryness, you can create a more pleasurable and fulfilling sexual experience for both of you.

For more updates like this, you can access our sex page here.


7 Herbs That Heal Various Organs In your Body



Herbs that heal organs in your body |

Did you know that some herbs can actually heal various organs in your body? Did you know these herbs can also boost your organs with their natural healing abilities? It’s true! For centuries, people have turned to plants for remedies, and for a good reason.

Plants are full of unique chemical compounds that offer a variety of potential health benefits. Herbs, in particular, can be a great way to complement modern medicine. Think of them as gentle allies, working alongside your doctor-prescribed treatments.

These herbs can help different organs in your body function better and even heal from minor issues. By incorporating them into your diet, you can promote overall well-being and give your body the natural tools it needs to thrive.

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How The Ijebus Come Up With Elaborate Fashion At Ojude Oba Festival



Ojude Oba: How Ijebus come up with elaborate fashion |

Yoruba fashion is a big deal at the Ojude Oba festival! Yoruba people have a saying: “We greet the cloth before greeting the wearer.” This proverb highlights the importance of clothing and its role in first impressions. Another proverb, “People are my cloth,” emphasizes how clothing is seen as an extension of oneself.

The Ojude Oba festival is a prime example of this emphasis on fashion. People go all out to honour the king with not just singing, dancing, and prayers, but also with elaborate outfits. It’s a public display of cultural pride and personal style.

Women at the festival adorn themselves in the finest jewellery and makeup, putting their most beautiful foot forward. They strive to be visually stunning as part of the celebration.

Getting ready for Ojude Oba isn’t a last-minute affair. People spend months deliberating on their outfits – from the fabrics (some imported) to the accessories, and even the tailors who will bring their vision to life.

Motivations for dressing up for Ojude Oba

A recent study delved into the reasons behind the Ojude Oba fashion scene. Here’s what they found:

  • Cultural pride: Most participants (50%) felt dressing up significantly promoted Yoruba culture.
  • Keeping Up with Trends: For 37.5%, it was a chance to showcase the latest styles.
  • Standing Out: While competition wasn’t the main focus, 37.5% still aimed to impress with their beauty and aesthetics.

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Top 5 Smartphone Brands Dominating Africa’s Market



Top 5 Smartphone brands dominating markets in Africa |

The African smartphone market is booming! Sales of smartphone brands across Africa surged in the first quarter of 2024, according to a report by Canalys. This impressive growth makes Africa the third-fastest-growing region in the world for smartphones.

Here’s a closer look at the numbers:

  • Big jump in shipments: Canalys reports that roughly 18.2 million smartphones were shipped to Africa in the first quarter, which is a significant 24% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

  • Dominant brands: Popular smartphone brands like Transsion, Samsung, and Xiaomi are leading the charge in this growth. These brands are likely popular due to a combination of factors such as brand recognition, affordability, and features that cater to the needs of African consumers.

This significant growth in the African smartphone market suggests a growing number of people across the continent are gaining access to these devices. Smartphones can be powerful tools for communication, education, and economic empowerment, and their increasing availability is a positive sign for Africa’s development.

Let’s take a look at the top 5 smartphone brands dominating Africa’s smartphone market below.

Top 5 smartphone brands in Africa (Q1 2024)

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