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10 Things To Check Before Boarding A Plane



Boarding A Plane: Things To Put In Place Before |

Airports can be overwhelming! Between security lines, finding the right gate, and everything else leading up to boarding, it’s easy to feel stressed and forget something important. Here to the rescue are some practical tips to help stressed flyers remember key things before boarding the plane:

1. Travel Documents

Here’s a checklist to make sure you have all the travel documents you need:

  • Valid Passport: Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months after your travel dates and has enough blank pages for any required entry stamps.
  • Visa (if required): Check the visa requirements for your destination country well in advance. You may need to apply for a visa before you travel.
  • Boarding Pass: You will receive your boarding pass electronically or at the airport check-in counter.
  • Other Identification: Depending on your destination and airline, you may also need other forms of identification, such as a driver’s licence or national ID card.
  • Additional Considerations: Some countries may require proof of onward travel (a plane ticket showing you’re leaving the country), proof of yellow fever vaccination (if applicable), or a health declaration form. It’s always best to check with the embassy or consulate of your destination country for the latest entry requirements.

2. Luggage

Make sure your checked and carry-on luggage meets the size and weight restrictions set by your airline. These limitations are usually available on the airline’s website or app. To avoid any surprises at the airport, weigh your bags at home before you leave.

Attach a sturdy luggage tag with your name, address, and phone number to each of your bags. This will help reunite you with your luggage in case it gets lost or misplaced during your travels.

3. Arrival Time

Don’t miss your flight! Give yourself plenty of time at the airport to avoid any stress. Here’s why:

  • Check-in lines can get long: Depending on the airline and airport, check-in lines can take a while. Aim to arrive at the airport early enough to check in your bags and get your boarding pass without rushing.
  • Security screening can be unpredictable: Security lines can vary depending on the day and time of travel. Factor in extra time to get through security screening without feeling pressured.
  • Unexpected delays can happen: Traffic jams, flight cancellations, or other unforeseen circumstances can throw a wrench in your travel plans. Having a buffer built into your schedule will help you manage these situations calmly.

As a general rule, arriving at the airport 2 hours before a domestic flight and 3 hours before an international flight is a good starting point. You can always check with your airline for their specific recommendations.

4. Security Check

Security checks are a necessary part of flying. Avoid bringing any prohibited items in your carry-on bag. This includes liquids or gels over 100 ml (think shampoo, toothpaste, etc.), sharp objects (like pocket knives or nail clippers), and aerosols (hairspray, deodorants).

5. Health and Safety

Staying healthy should be a top priority throughout your travels, especially during a pandemic. This means wearing a well-fitting mask that covers your nose and mouth for the duration of your trip, along with frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

If soap and water aren’t readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Don’t forget to pack any medications you need and be aware of any potential health risks, like allergies or outbreaks, at your destination.

By taking these simple precautions, you can minimise your chances of getting sick and focus on enjoying your travels!

6. Flight Details

Don’t get lost at the airport. Before you head out, make sure you’re familiar with all the important details of your flight.

Knowing your departure gate will save you time and stress when it’s time to board. You can usually find your gate number on your boarding pass or by checking the airport flight information screens.

The boarding time is different from the departure time. The boarding time is when you’re allowed to enter the aeroplane. Make sure to arrive at the gate before boarding time to avoid missing your flight.

If you have a long journey with layovers or connections, plan accordingly. This might involve knowing the gate for your connecting flight and how much time you have between flights. Some airports are large, so it can take time to get from one gate to another.

7. Comfort Items

Make your flight a breeze with some cosy essentials! Here’s what to pack for your travel comfort:

  • Get comfy: Pack a travel pillow and a blanket to make your seat feel more like home. This will help you relax and even catch some sleep on long journeys.
  • Drown out the noise: Headphones are a must-have! They’ll let you listen to music, podcasts, audiobooks, or watch movies to keep yourself entertained during the flight.
  • Pack some snacks: Aeroplane food can be pricey and not always the most appealing. Pack some healthy and light snacks to keep your hunger at bay, especially if it’s a long flight. Think granola bars, nuts, fruits, or sandwiches.
  • Stay entertained: Load up your phone, tablet, or laptop with movies, shows, games, or e-books to keep yourself entertained throughout the flight. Don’t forget to download some content in case you don’t have wifi on the plane.

8. Travel Insurance:

Think about adding a safety net to your trip with travel insurance. This can help you financially if things don’t go exactly according to plan.

Travel insurance can reimburse you for prepaid expenses if your trip has to be cancelled or cut short due to unforeseen circumstances, like bad weather, illness, or a family emergency.

Travel insurance can help cover medical bills if you get sick or injured during your trip. This can be especially important if you’re travelling to a country with expensive healthcare.

Travel insurance can also help compensate you for lost luggage or travel delays.

While travel insurance isn’t mandatory, it can provide peace of mind and financial protection if the unexpected happens. Consider your budget and the potential risks of your trip to decide if it’s the right choice for you.

9. Communication

Before you travel, let someone you trust know your plans in detail. This includes your itinerary (dates, locations, activities), flight information, and contact information for where you’ll be staying.

This way, they can easily reach you if needed and assist in emergencies.

10. Relaxation

Feeling nervous before a flight is totally normal! If you’re battling pre-flight jitters or anxiety, here are a few tips to relax and stay calm before boarding the plane:

  • Deep breathing: Take slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. This can help regulate your heart rate and ease feelings of anxiety.
  • Mindfulness exercises: Focus on the present moment by doing some simple mindfulness exercises. Pay attention to your surroundings, wiggle your toes in your shoes, or tense and release different muscle groups.
  • Listen to calming music: Create a relaxing music playlist to drown out any airport noise and soothe your nerves.
  • Positive self-talk: Challenge negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself that you’ve flown safely before, and you can do it again!

If you would like to read more travel articles, visit here.


Gentleman Mike Ejeagha: Here’s All To Know About The Igbo Folk Music Legend



Gentleman Mike Ejeagha: Here's All To Know About Him |

Gentleman Mike Ejeagha, a 90-year-old musician, is currently trending on social media. This is because a comedian named Brain Jotter used Ejeagha’s 1983 song ‘Ka Eşi Le Onye Isi Oche‘ in a video that went viral.

Many young people on social media might only know Ejeagha from the “Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo” part of this song. However, there’s much more to know about this legendary Highlife musician who was very famous in South Eastern Nigeria.

Gentleman Mike Ejeagha was born in August 1932.

He comes from Imezi Owa, which is in the Eziagu Local Government area of Enugu State. In an interview from 2009, Ejeagha explained that people started calling him “Gentleman” because of how nicely he behaved and treated others.

Ejeagha’s love for music started when he was very young. He was part of an Ogene group (a traditional musical group) when he was in elementary school. He became interested in playing the guitar after watching two musicians named Moses Aduba (also known as Moscow) and Cyprian Uzochiawa play at the Coal Camp in Enugu. Ejeagha learned how to play guitar from these two musicians.

After Ejeagha became good at playing the guitar, he formed his own band in 1950. He called it “Mike Ejeagha and Merry-makers.” Ejeagha’s fame started to grow when Atu Ona, who was in charge of the Nigerian Broadcasting Service (NBS), invited him for an audition. After the audition, Ona gave Ejeagha a radio program called Guitar Playtime. This allowed Ejeagha to play music on the radio and produce musical programs. Later, Ejeagha formed a bigger group called the Premier Dance Band.

Ejeagha became even more famous after the Nigerian Civil War. He recorded an album called ‘Omekagu’ with Polygram Records (which was later called Phillips Records). Ejeagha was then invited by the Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS), which is now called Enugu State Broadcasting Service (ESBS), to do a weekly program. In this program, called ‘Akuko n’egwu’ (which means “storytelling in music”), Ejeagha would share a new folktale every week.

Ejeagha is famous for his Igbo folk music.

In his songs, he tells stories that have social, cultural, historical, and moral messages. His music is full of idioms, proverbs, and folktales. This style made him one of the most popular Igbo folk and Highlife artists in Nigerian history.

Ejeagha is said to have recorded 33 albums during his career. One of his classic songs is ‘Ka Esi Le Onye Isi Oche’, which recently became popular again. This song is a folklore story about how clever the Tortoise is and how strong the Elephant is.

Many people have praised Ejeagha for his impact on Igbo folklore music. His legacy continues to be important today. In March 2023, a writer named Chimezie Chika called Gentleman Mike Ejeagha the “grandfather of modern Igbo folk music.”

In 2022, there were plans to make a documentary film about Gentleman Mike Ejeagha’s life. Michael Chineme Ike was supposed to direct it, and Micstreams Productions was going to produce it. After Ejeagha’s song became popular again recently, fans became interested in this documentary. However, the director, Michael Chineme Ike, said that they couldn’t make the documentary because they didn’t have enough money.

The recent popularity of Ejeagha’s song ‘Ka Esi Le Onye Isi Oche’ gives people a chance to celebrate Gentleman Mike Ejeagha’s legacy. It also shows how his music has affected Igbo folk music across different generations. This renewed interest in his work highlights the enduring power of traditional music and storytelling in Nigerian culture.

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Why Fibroids Come Back After Surgery



Fibroids and Surgery: Why fibroids come back after surgery |

Fibroids, non-cancerous growths in the uterus, can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms like heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, and frequent urination. While surgery can be an effective way to remove fibroids and alleviate these symptoms, there’s a chance they might return in some women. This can be frustrating and raise concerns about future treatment options.

Let’s delve into the reasons why fibroids might regrow after surgery and what you can do about it.

Understanding Fibroid Formation

Before we explore regrowth, it’s important to understand how fibroids develop in the first place. The exact cause remains unknown, but certain factors are believed to play a role:

  • Hormones: Estrogen and progesterone are hormones that stimulate the growth of the uterine lining during a menstrual cycle. Fibroids are more likely to develop during childbearing years when these hormones are at their peak.
  • Genetics: If a close relative (mother, sister) has had fibroids, you have a higher risk of developing them as well.
  • Other factors: Obesity, Vitamin D deficiency, and early menstruation might also be contributing factors.

Why Do Fibroids Regrow After Surgery?

There isn’t a single answer to this question. Here are some reasons why fibroids might reappear after surgery:

  • Microscopic remnants: During surgery, the goal is to remove all fibroid tissue. However, microscopic fibroid cells might remain undetected and can potentially grow into new fibroids over time. The likelihood of this happening increases with the number of fibroids present initially and the complexity of the surgery.

  • Hormonal influence: Even after fibroid removal, the underlying hormonal environment that promotes fibroid growth might still be present. Estrogen dominance or fluctuations in hormone levels can trigger the growth of new fibroids.

  • Unknown underlying cause: In some cases, the exact reason why fibroids develop is unknown. Without addressing the root cause, new fibroids might form despite surgery.

Uterine Fibroids Treatment

Fibroids Surgery and Regrowth Risk

The type of surgery performed for fibroid removal can influence the risk of regrowth:

  • Myomectomy: This surgery removes the fibroids while preserving the uterus. It’s a good option for women who want to get pregnant in the future. However, there’s a higher chance of fibroids returning compared to a hysterectomy, as some microscopic fibroid cells might remain.

  • Hysterectomy: This surgery removes the entire uterus, eliminating the source of fibroid growth altogether. The risk of regrowth is very low with a hysterectomy, but it’s not an option for women who desire future pregnancies.

Reducing the Risk of Regrowth

While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent fibroid regrowth after surgery, some strategies might help minimize the risk:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight: Obesity is linked to an increased risk of fibroids. Losing weight and maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) can help regulate hormones and potentially reduce the risk of new fibroid development.

  • Hormonal management: If hormonal factors contribute to your fibroids, your doctor might recommend medications like GnRH agonists or birth control pills to regulate hormone levels and potentially reduce the risk of regrowth.

  • Minimally invasive surgery: When possible, opting for minimally invasive surgical techniques like laparoscopic myomectomy might decrease the risk of microscopic leftover cells compared to traditional open surgeries.

What to Do if You Experience Regrowth:

If you experience symptoms that suggest fibroid regrowth after surgery, talk to your doctor. They can perform a pelvic exam, ultrasound, or MRI scan to confirm the presence of new fibroids.

Based on the size, location, and severity of your symptoms, your doctor will discuss treatment options which might include:

  • Monitoring: If the fibroids are small and not causing significant symptoms, your doctor might recommend monitoring them through regular checkups to see if they grow.

  • Medication: Hormone therapy or medications that shrink fibroids might be options depending on your individual situation.

  • Repeat Surgery: In some cases, another surgery might be necessary to remove the new fibroids. The type of surgery will depend on various factors like your medical history and the location of the new fibroids.

  • Other Procedures: Procedures like uterine artery embolization (UAE) that block blood flow to fibroids, or ablation techniques that destroy fibroid tissue with heat or radiofrequency energy, might be considered depending on the specific situation.

Living with Fibroids Before and After Surgery

Fibroids are a common condition, and you’re not alone. Remember, even if fibroids return after surgery, there are treatment options available. Open communication with your doctor is key to managing fibroids and living a healthy life.

Get more updates here.

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Twerking: 5 Surprising Benefits Of Shaking It Out



Twerking: Surprising Benefits Of Shaking It Out |

Twerking. The word itself might conjure up images of energetic dance moves or music videos. But did you know that twerking offers a surprising range of benefits beyond just being a fun way to move your body?

This dynamic dance style, which often entails hip shakes, squats, and isolations, can actually be a powerful tool for improving your physical and mental well-being.

Here are 5 surprising benefits of twerking that might make you reconsider this popular dance move:

1. Build Strength and Tone Muscles

Twerking isn’t just about shaking – it’s a workout in disguise! Here’s how it breaks down:

  • Core engagement: Many twerking moves require you to tighten your abdominal muscles to maintain control and stability. This constant core engagement strengthens your core muscles, leading to better posture and improved balance. Think of it as a dynamic plank that works your abs from multiple angles.

  • Lower body last: Squats, lunges, and hip thrusts are all common twerking elements. These moves are like a targeted workout for your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves, sculpting and toning your lower body. The fast, repetitive nature of twerking intensifies the effect, giving you a sculpted, toned backside.

  • Upper body activation: While the focus is on your core and lower body, twerking also involves arm movements for balance and expression. These movements can help strengthen your arms and shoulders, especially when incorporating arm pops, chest pops, and isolations into your routine.

2. Boost Cardiovascular Health

You think twerking isn’t intense enough to get your heart rate up? Think again! The fast-paced movements and constant body movement can give your cardiovascular system a workout similar to low-impact cardio exercises like brisk walking or jogging. Here’s how it benefits your heart:

  • Increased heart rate: Twerking elevates your heart rate, which is essential for cardiovascular health. This helps improve blood circulation, oxygen delivery to your muscles, and overall fitness. As you get better at twerking and can sustain the moves for longer durations, the intensity increases, further boosting your cardiovascular health.

  • Improved endurance: As you get used to twerking, your stamina will increase. This allows you to dance for longer periods and potentially translates to better endurance in other activities, whether it’s climbing stairs, running errands, or participating in other sports.

  • Calorie burning: Twerking is a dynamic exercise that burns calories. The exact number depends on factors like intensity, duration, and body weight, but it can be a great way to add some calorie-burning fun to your routine. Depending on the intensity of your twerking session, it can burn anywhere from 400 to 600 calories per hour.

3. Enhance Flexibility and Coordination

Twerking requires a good range of motion in your hips, knees, and ankles. It improves flexibility and coordination through:

  • Increased range of motion: The various movements involved in twerking help stretch and lengthen your muscles, increasing your overall flexibility. This improved flexibility can benefit your posture, reduce your risk of injuries, and even improve your performance in other physical activities.

  • Improved coordination: Twerking requires you to coordinate different parts of your body – your core, legs, and arms – all while moving to the rhythm. This improves your overall coordination and body awareness. As you master different twerking moves, the complexity increases, further refining your ability to coordinate your movements.

Twerk Dance. Two Women. Vector Illustration Stock Vector - Illustration of  female, afro: 73592296

4. Build Confidence and Self-Esteem

Twerking isn’t just about physical benefits; it can also have a significant impact on your mental well-being. It can boost your confidence and self-esteem with:

  • Body positivity: Learning to twerk and move your body with confidence can be a powerful way to embrace your body and appreciate its unique abilities. Twerking can be a form of self-acceptance, regardless of your body shape or size. As you master the moves and feel comfortable expressing yourself through dance, you develop a newfound appreciation for your body’s capabilities.

  • Stress relief: Getting lost in the rhythm of the music and the joy of movement can be a great way to de-stress and clear your mind. The repetitive nature of twerking can be almost meditative, allowing you to focus on the present moment and let go of daily worries.

  • Empowerment: Twerking can be a form of self-expression and a celebration of your femininity or masculinity. It allows you to own your body and express yourself confidently. Whether you’re dancing alone in your room or letting loose with friends, twerking can be a powerful way to tap into your inner strength and feel empowered.

5. Connect with Others and Have Fun

Twerking isn’t just a solo activity; it can be a fun way to connect with others and enjoy yourselves together. A few ways it can boost your social life are through:

  • Group classes: Join a twerking class. These classes offer a fun and social environment where you can learn new moves, share laughs, and bond with others who share your passion for dance. It’s a great way to meet new people and expand your social circle, all while learning a new skill.

  • Confidence booster: Mastering new twerking skills can be a confidence booster. As you get better at the moves and feel comfortable expressing yourself through dance, you’ll likely feel more comfortable expressing yourself in social situations in general. This newfound confidence can translate to other areas of your life, making you feel more outgoing and willing to put yourself out there.

  • Pure fun: Above all else, twerking is simply fun! It’s a way to let loose, move your body to the rhythm of the music, and forget about your worries for a while. Whether you’re dancing with friends at a party or letting loose in your living room, twerking can be a great way to de-stress, have a good laugh, and simply enjoy yourself.

So next time you hear a song with a great beat, don’t be afraid to shake it out! Twerking can be a surprisingly beneficial addition to your fitness routine, improve your mental well-being, and even become a fun social activity.

Important Note:

Always listen to your body and consult with a doctor before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions. It’s important to exercise safely and ensure twerking is a healthy addition to your routine.

For more updates, visit here.

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