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See The 4 Healthiest Beans You Can Eat



See The 4 Healthiest Beans You Can Eat |

The secret to a long and healthy life might be right under your nose—or rather, on your plate! Considering adding some of the healthiest beans available to your regular meals? You might be pleasantly surprised by the benefits they offer.

These versatile little legumes, technically seeds from various plants and classified as vegetables, are true nutritional powerhouses and some of the healthiest foods you can incorporate into your diet.

For compelling evidence, take a look at the world’s famous “Blue Zones.” These special regions boast a remarkable number of people who celebrate their 100th birthday and often thrive well beyond that.

What’s more, these communities experience significantly lower rates of chronic diseases compared to the rest of the world.

It’s interesting to note that there is a common food item that is a part of the diets of populations that live long and healthy lives, and that food is beans! For instance, black beans are a staple for people in Nicoya, Costa Rica. Soybeans are a favorite in Okinawa, Japan, while white beans and chickpeas are commonly consumed in Ikaria, Greece.

Beans have been linked to a multitude of health benefits. Research suggests they can contribute to a healthier heart, improve weight management, reduce chronic inflammation, and even offer protection against certain diseases.

This impressive array of benefits stems from the unique nutritional profile of beans. They are powerhouses of fiber, protein, essential vitamins, and antioxidants, all of which play crucial roles in maintaining optimal health.

By including these nutritious legumes in your diet, you could potentially unlock the key to a healthier and longer life.

But with hundreds of varieties, each boasting its own unique set of nutrients and advantages, choosing which ones to incorporate into your diet can feel overwhelming.

To make this a bit easier, we’ve compiled a list of 4 of the healthiest beans you can find. This list is based on their nutritional content and the latest research.

1. Cannellini Beans

Cannellini beans with rosemary and garlic | Tesco Real Food

Don’t underestimate the humble white bean, also known as cannellini or white kidney bean. Cannellini beans offer a diverse range of health benefits, making them a valuable addition to any diet. Compared to other legumes, white beans boast a higher protein content, providing a satisfying and filling option for those seeking plant-based protein sources. This makes them ideal for vegetarians, vegans, or anyone looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into their diet. White beans are also champions when it comes to potassium. They offer a significant amount, contributing between 35-46% of your daily value. This crucial nutrient plays a vital role in regulating blood pressure, preventing kidney stones, and promoting strong, healthy bones.

White beans also provide a significant boost of magnesium, offering around 12–16% of your daily recommended intake. Maintaining adequate magnesium levels plays a crucial role in preventing various health concerns, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, and osteoporosis.

2. Black beans

Instant Pot Black Beans (No Soak Foolproof) | Amy + Jacky

Aha, the mighty black bean! This is one of the healthiest beans you can find. They’re not just delicious; they’re packed with nutrients. Each bite bursts with fiber and protein, keeping you feeling fuller for longer. But the benefits go beyond just feeling satisfied. Black beans are loaded with essential B vitamins, iron, and magnesium, all crucial for keeping your body functioning optimally. Research published in “Nutrients” even suggests that incorporating black beans into a typical Western diet can be a game-changer for individuals with metabolic syndrome.

But the benefits don’t stop there! Another “Nutrients” report reveals that darker-colored beans, like our black bean friends, are antioxidant champions. They pack a punch of polyphenol plant compounds compared to their lighter-colored counterparts.

One study also found that combining black beans and chickpeas with white rice can improve your body’s glycemic response. This translates to preventing those unwanted blood sugar spikes, making black beans a true diabetic-friendly superstar.

3. Chickpeas

Air Fryer Chickpeas - Skinnytaste

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a nutritional powerhouse packed with benefits beyond their delicious taste.

First and foremost, chickpeas are a fantastic source of both protein and fiber. Just a half-cup serving boasts 7 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber, making them incredibly filling. This translates to better appetite control, aiding in weight management, and promoting healthy digestion. Research published in the journal Nutrients reveals an even more extensive list of health benefits associated with chickpeas. Regular chickpea consumption is linked to increased intake of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins E, A, and C, folate, magnesium, iron, and healthy fats. Incorporating chickpeas into your diet can positively impact weight management, and blood sugar regulation, and even potentially reduce risk factors associated with heart disease.

4. Soybeans

Research shows country of origin of soybeans is significant - All About Feed

You might be surprised to learn that you’ve likely consumed soybeans without even realizing it! Popular foods like tofu, tempeh, miso, soy sauce, and even soy milk all have soybeans as their hidden heroes. Soybeans are not only a great source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats, but also boast essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, iron, and selenium.

They’re a complete protein. This means they contain all nine essential amino acids, which your body needs but cannot produce itself. So, by incorporating soybeans into your diet, you’re ensuring your body gets the building blocks it needs to thrive.

Soybeans are a valuable solution for plant-based diets, providing essential, complete protein.

Beyond offering complete protein, research published in Nutrients even suggests that soy consumption might help lessen the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. They not only contribute essential, complete protein but might also offer additional health advantages.

In simpler terms, these are some of the healthiest beans you can enjoy. Incorporating these types of beans into your plant-based diet doesn’t just ensure you get enough complete protein; it will also contribute to overall health and wellness by potentially reducing the risk of various diseases.

Check out more food updates here.


Try This Easy Best Banana Bread Recipe



Try This Easy Best Banana Bread Recipe |

This banana bread recipe boasts a reputation for creating the most delectable and moist loaf, bursting with intense banana flavour. It eliminates the need to settle for a less flavorful version. Many have tried and loved this recipe, raving that it surpasses all others! Toasted or untoasted, this bread is guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser.

This recipe isn’t just another banana bread contender; it’s a reigning champion! Users have consistently praised its moist texture, delicious taste, and abundance of banana flavour it delivers. This bread has the potential to become your personal go-to banana bread recipe, forever changing your breakfast and snack game.

Now, let’s get into the real business with the banana bread recipe!


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¾ cup brown sugar
  • ½ cup butter
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 2 ⅓ cups mashed overripe bananas

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Here’s The Best Recipe For Edikang Ikong Soup



How To Prepare Edikang Ikong Soup |

Edikang Ikong soup is a beloved staple in Nigerian cuisine, renowned for its perfect combination of taste and health benefits. Literally translating to “vegetable soup” in the Efik language, this dish is native to Cross River State in southern Nigeria.

Edikang Ikong stands out as the ultimate source of vitamins. Packed with nutrients, it’s no wonder this soup tops the list when it comes to Nigerian soups. There’s just one catch: Edikang Ikong loses its nutritional value if you store it in the fridge for too long.

Here’s the thing: to fully enjoy the health benefits, it’s best to make just enough for a few days—a week at most. Of course, some people might not mind a slight drop in vitamins, but for those who prioritise getting the most out of their food, this is key.

Now, let’s get cooking! Here are all the ingredients you’ll need to make this delicious and nutritious Nigerian Edikang Ikong soup. The quantity can be adjusted depending on how many people you’re feeding.

Ingredients for Edikang Ikong

This recipe is for a delicious pot of Edikang Ikong soup that 12 people can feed. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Seafood: A medium-sized stockfish head, 500 grams of dried or roasted fish,1 cup of ground or pounded crayfish
  • Leafy greens: 12 cups of waterleaf, 8 cups of fluted pumpkin leaves (also called ugu)
  • Fats and oils: 2 cups (or 500ml) of palm oil
  • Meat: Meat of your choice (assorted meats are recommended)
  • Seasoning: Salt and pepper to taste, 3-4 Maggi or Knorr cubes
  • Optional extras: 1 cup of periwinkle, 2 tablespoons of ofor or achi, ½ cup of chopped onions

How To Prepare Edikang Ikong Soup |


  • In the pictures, you’ll see sliced waterleaf, ugu leaves, 1.5kg of mixed meat (goat and cow liver), pounded crayfish/pepper mix, and periwinkles.
  • Periwinkles are a common optional ingredient. You can buy them pre-cleaned at most Nigerian markets, or skip them altogether if you prefer.
  • For even more detailed instructions, check out the video linked below.

How to prepare the vegetables

Here’s how to prep the leafy greens for your Edikang Ikong soup:

  • Slicing the leaves: You have two options. In Nigerian markets, vendors often pre-slice the leaves for you. But you can easily do it at home using a sharp knife and a chopping board.

  • Washing the leaves: There are two schools of thought here. Some people prefer to wash the leaves thoroughly before slicing them. Others prefer to slice first, then wash. Honestly, it boils down to personal preference.

The reason you should consider slicing your leaves yourself is to ensure they get a good wash to remove any sand or dirt. If you choose to wash before slicing, that’s perfectly fine too. Just be sure to wash the fluted pumpkin leaves (ugu) before slicing, but the water leaves can be sliced before washing.

How to cook Edikang Ikong soup

How To Prepare Edikang Ikong Soup |

Now it’s time to cook edikang ikong soup. Here’s a breakdown of the steps:

  1. Season the meat: Marinate your meat with 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 seasoning cubes, and some sliced onions for added flavour. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes.

  2. Partial cook the meat: Cook the seasoned meat in a pot for about 10 minutes. Then, add some water and continue cooking until the meat is about 70% cooked.

  3. Prepare the stockfish and dried fish: While the meat simmers, clean the dry fish and stockfish by rinsing them with hot water. This helps remove any sand or impurities. Add the cleaned fish to the pot with the cooked meat. If your dried fish has a strong flavour, add it at the beginning of this step.

  4. Add the palm oil: Edikang Ikong soup is known for its rich flavour, and palm oil is a key ingredient. Pour in 1 cup (or about 500 ml) of palm oil. The recipe mentions that 300 ml was used in the video, so feel free to adjust the amount based on your preference.

  5. Simmer and season: Let the mixture simmer for 5–10 minutes, ensuring everything boils together with minimal water remaining. You want a rich, flavorful base.

  6. Add the leafy greens: Now it’s time for the stars of the show—the vegetables.

    Here’s the order:

    • Add the water leaves, stir, and simmer for 3 minutes.
    • Next, add the fluted pumpkin leaves (ugu).
    • Finally, stir in the pounded crayfish/pepper mix, periwinkles (if using), and 1 additional seasoning cube.
  7. Final touches: Give everything a good stir and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper to your taste. Here’s where you can also add an optional tablespoon of ground ofor or achi for an extra flavour boost. Sprinkle it in a little at a time, then stir and taste it to avoid overpowering the other flavours.

  8. Simmering and serving: Cover the pot partially and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Your delicious Edikang Ikong soup is ready. Enjoy it with your favourite Nigerian swallows, like fufu, semo, wheat, eba, or pounded yam.

How To Prepare Edikang Ikong Soup |

The pictures show a plate of the finished Edikang Ikong soup (vegetable soup) served with fufu.

You can watch the tutorial video here.

For more food content, visit here.

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How To Make Kuli Kuli At Home



How To Make Kuli Kuli At Home |

Calling all snack lovers! Do you love snacks? Do you like just munging on something crunchy? Here’s your chance to try a delicious North Nigerian treat: Kuli Kuli.

Also known as Adunlee in some regions, Kuli Kuli is a popular snack enjoyed throughout the day. It has a delightful combination of crunch and sweet-savoury flavour.

Whether you’re a beginner cook looking to explore traditional snacks or just searching for a new recipe to add to your collection, this Kulikuli recipe is a perfect place to start. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 cup of cornmeal (either fine or medium grind)
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (adjust to your taste preference)
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, with extra for frying
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 cup of water (for boiling)

A step-by-step guide to making delicious kuli kuli:

How To Make Kuli Kuli At Home |

Now that you have your ingredients, let’s get cooking!
  1. Gather your ingredients: Before you start, make sure all your ingredients are ready and within reach. This will help the cooking process flow smoothly.

  2. Boil the water: In a medium pot, bring 1 cup of water to a rolling boil. This water will be used to mix with the cornmeal and create the perfect dough consistency.

  3. Mix the dry ingredients: While the water heats up, grab a large mixing bowl and combine the cornmeal, sugar, and a pinch of salt. Mix them well to ensure the sugar and salt are evenly distributed throughout the cornmeal.

  4. Combine with hot water: Once the water boils, slowly add it to the dry ingredients while stirring continuously. Be careful with the hot water to avoid burns. The goal is to slowly incorporate the water to prevent lumps and achieve a smooth, consistent dough.

  5. Add oil: After the dough forms and is still warm, add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the mixture. Using your hands or a spoon, knead the dough until the oil is fully integrated. You want the dough to be pliable but not sticky. The oil helps bind the ingredients and adds a subtle richness to the Kuli kuli.

  6. Shape the Kulikuli: Take small portions of the dough and shape them into your desired forms. Traditionally, Kulikuli is shaped into small balls or cylindrical rolls, but feel free to get creative! Just try to make them as uniform as possible for even cooking.

  7. Fry the Kulikuli: Heat a generous amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Once the oil is hot, carefully add the shaped dough pieces. Fry them until they are golden brown and crispy, turning them occasionally for even browning. This should take about 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of your Kulikuli.

  8. Cool and serve: Use a slotted spoon to remove the fried Kulikuli from the oil and place them on paper towels to drain any excess oil. Let them cool down a bit before serving. Enjoy your Kulikuli on its own or as a delightful addition to various dishes!

How To Make Kuli Kuli At Home |

Here are some extra tips to help you make perfect kuli kuli:

  • Pay attention to the dough: The dough shouldn’t be too wet or too dry. It should be easy to mould and hold its shape.
  • Control the heat: Keep the oil at medium heat throughout frying. This prevents the Kulikuli from burning on the outside while staying raw on the inside.
  • Store it right: You can store Kulikuli in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week, making it a handy snack to enjoy anytime.
  • Get creative: Have fun making and tasting this traditional snack! Feel free to experiment with the recipe by adding your own unique touch, like spices or herbs, to create different flavours. Happy cooking!

If you liked this article, read more here.

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