A new teen drama series titled “School of Hearts” is coming soon! Produced by Temple Motion Pictures, known for movies like “Introducing The Kujus” and “Fair Hearing,” the series will follow young adults in senior high school as they juggle their academic lives with their passion for the arts.
“School of Hearts” promises to showcase up-and-coming talents in music, dance, and drama. The story will explore how these young individuals navigate their relationships with friends, family, and peers, including the challenges of peer pressure. The series boasts a talented cast and crew, directed by Adeola Osunkojo, Bunmi Akingbola, and Smart Edikan.
Idris Olorunnimbe, head of The Temple Company and Ogidi Studios, expressed his belief that “School of Hearts” will have a positive impact on society, helping to “restore and unify key fronts.”
He said, “We recognise the disconnect experienced by families today compared to our own childhoods, where inclusive entertainment readily brought everyone together.”
Olorunnimbe also highlighted that the production aims to discover and launch new talents in the Nigerian film industry. He stated, “This project will undoubtedly showcase fresh talent, significantly contributing to the industry’s human capital value.”
“School of Hearts” is expected to be available for global streaming after its production is complete.
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